Cheesy Crack

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Naomi to Nacho TF/TG/MC

Inspiration this chapter:

Inspiration this chapter:

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Naomi was a 18 year old girl who was a very observant girl and was good at staring contests, you'd think she was staring into your literal soul/non-existant soul.

But now, her and the other untransformed were running away from a 2d creature known as Animatic, a monster who transformed almost the entire neighborhood.

Since Stella was the oldest, she told Sheryl to get Shanaya, aka the youngest, to the safest hiding spot to hide her in. So she agreed and took Shanaya and sped off.

As Naomi and Stella started walking, Stella had felt like that she and Naomi were being watched from a particular white creature.

Before she could have a second to warn Naomi, Animatic basically materialized out of nowhere and was now towering over the two girls.

"HI THERE! MY NAME'S ANIMATIC!" Animatic happily greeted.

Then, Animatic had attempted to grab Stella, but Naomi had stepped in and started to basically attack Animatic, defending Stella, which made her blush. (WHY IS ANIMATIC ALWAYS GOING FOR THE LESBIANS?! 😭)

After some fighting, Animatic managed to grab ahold of Naomi and held her down. She stood over her and then grabbed...

...her eyes and then tore them the fuck out and then bit her...

Naomi screamed in pain as Stella had ran away in fear of being next. Naomi had fallen over and attempted to cry as the changes were starting.

Naomi had then felt her limbs slowly go from decently normal human limbs to basically pure black twigs that somehow manage to function.

Naomi had then felt her entire hair start to change material into something more...sticky...and changed from brown to a bright yellow.

Then the hair had fully turned into melted cheese and covered half of her face and over where her eyes were supposed to be.

Then, she felt a jolt to her womanhood. She whimpered in pain when she felt her womanhood shrivel up. Now even though she was genderless, she felt like a HE.

He then felt his body painfully shift shape in multiple ways and directions to look basically look like a whole nacho chip you can commonly find in a bag of chips.

Then, he felt his nose and ears sink into what was once his head as his mouth simplifed into a black line, finishing his physical transformation.

"AGH! Why did I just turn into a chip?!" Naomi whimpered.

"I-I gotta get out of heAAAAAAGH!!" Naomi screamed in pain when he felt the mental changes starting.

Naochi felt memories of his childhood slowly fading away...high school? More like bye school. College? Nope. Crushes? Your bitch privileges has been taken away!

Naocho groaned in pain as he felt new memories flooding in. He now remembered that he was competing in Animatic Battle, on a team called Grant Swag.

Now, Naomi was dead Nacho stood in her place...

"Ow...huh? Where am I?" Nacho looked around in confusion. (HE CAN FINALLY SEE AGAIN!)

Then, Animatic had grabbed Nacho and then POP! they were gone...

MEANWHILE, with Euan and his little sister, Sadie...

Euan had heard of a specific 2d creature going around and transforming people. He also heard of the incidents that happened in Deerville and even a living clock transforming others.

Euan sighed, hoping that he would'nt get caught by either of those. And if he happened to be caught, he hoped that he'd be lucky enough to keep his memories of his human life, and especially his little sister. His last ever family member besides him.

Euan then looked at Sadie who was playing with her dolls and a little dollhouse. If Animatic ever reached them, he'd hope that he would be taken instead of Sadie.


Up next: Stella to Slop TF/TG/MC

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