THE day

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So this is a fantasy book with magic and stuff. I hope u like it:) 

"Come on! Wake up!" I groan as my little brother jumps onto my bed. "Just let me sleep a little while longer, kevin. I'm exhausted!", I mutter, closing my eyes. "You can't sleep now. It's your thirteenth birthday! It's THE day! You have to get ready for the ceremony! I wonder which powers you will get..? I hope you get camouflage, that would be sooo cool!". I rub my eyes as Kevin continues his long speech. I feel sick. The thought of getting powers scares me. What if something goes horribly wrong? I have heard of powerless people who live outside the city, with all the beasts and monsters. I shudder. Anyways, they are just silly rumours. You have to get powers! But what if I don't.... I can't help but worry. Maybe a nice bath would help me feel better.

"Ahhhh", I sigh as the hot water touches my skin. Sometimes the cure to even the biggest of problems is a nice hot bath, on a cold day. I make sure to scrub properly. I HAVE to look nice for this ceremony. Everybody I know is going to be there! My mind lingers on the thought of having powers. My mother got flight, and my father, transportation. I really hope that I get mind reading, if that's even in my list. I don't know much about the ceremony, except you will get a list of the possible powers suited for you and then you perform a series of small tasks, to determine the power. All the other instructions will be delivered when I go there. I don't even know who will be the deciders!

Opening my wardrobe, I look at each piece of clothing intently, before choosing a checkered skirt, with a blue, oversized hoodie. I comb my long blonde hair, and gaze into the mirror, satisfied with my look. Slipping on some black boots, I leap down the stairs, finally feeling excited. I'm going to have special powers!!

"So are you excited? Or maybe nervous?", my mom asks me as I sit down. I shrug, my mouth full with my favorite blueberry pancakes.

I am in the middle of reaching for another one, when the doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" shouts my dad from the other room. I smile as my friends, Kamari and Esper come jumping into the room. "Are you excited! It's going to be amazing!! I just know that you are going to get the greatest power ever! So which one do you want?" says Kamari, excitedly. Her blue eyes gleam with happiness as she speaks. I wish I had her hair, I think envious. Those brown curls would suit me so well. "Kamari, calm down! Esmarie is bound to be nervous, and you're not helping", scolds Esper. Esper was the oldest of the group, and the most sensible, I smile. She had already turned thirteen, and got the power of flight. Just like my mom. They actually have many similarities! Both of them have wavy, light brown hair, and beautiful amber eyes.

Finishing up breakfast, I wash my plate, before settling down in the Dining room to open my birthday presents, and drink some of the delicious gangr juice. This was a custom in The Kingdom of Eldoria. You got one special thing from each of your parents, which they made using their magic. After you turned thirteen, you got to use magically made items. Using them before that age was prohibited. I don't think anyone actually knows what will happen if you break the laws. As far as I know, King Emyr and Queen Valeska are good people, and everyone follows their rules, and lives in peace. I have never seen them though. They usually just rule from their castle, issuing orders using their most trusted advisor, known as Orren, though people suspect that it's not his real name and he is hiding something. I don't want to get mixed up with politics so I don't add in, but I find it pretty interesting.

"To our lovely daughter, Esmarie Snowdon. Best wishes for the forthcoming", says my dad smiling. He is seated at the front of the table. My mother, and brother on both his sides, while my friends sit next to me. Everyone has their glasses raised in toast. I notice that my father has a box clamped under his hand, which he then raises and addresses me. "Esmarie, It is a huge honour that you can finally use and appreciate magical items. I wanted this first one to be a very special one that you will never forget.", he says earnestly. Opening the box, he presents a bottle of swirly pink liquid. My mother and Esper gasp, their jaws dropped in shock. It must be something amazing! I can't wait to see it. I stand up and walk to my father and kneel down, stretching out my palms. He places the bottle in my hand and I get up. Following the traditions, I bow and head towards my mother, repeating the same thing. She places a round box in my hand. What could possibly be in it? Maybe it's some of the magic dust that can transport you! I've heard about it before. It's very rare, and hard to find.

Getting up, I sit back into my chair, and cheers erupt around me. I laugh and join in. This is actually pretty fun! It's going to be SOOO much better when I get my powers, I think, all my earlier worries vanishing.

I stroll through the gardens, my presents clutched tightly in my hands. I can't wait to open them and see what is inside! But I can only do that after I receive my magical powers.

I look at my watch. It is already 11:30. Just another hour until the ceremony! I rush forward, suddenly aware that we are late. I had really wanted to take my gifts with me, but my mother had insisted on leaving it in the room. "Esmarie! Where are you? We are getting late. HURRY UP!"I hear my dad shout. Increasing my pace, I run to my room, leaving the presents on the table. I slam the door shut and run towards the car. Come on! We can't be late.

Huffing, I get into the car and close the door. "Sorry I took so long! I didn't realize the time", I apologize.

Uhhhhh it's soo squished in here. I can barely sit. My brother, me and all my friends are sitting in the back seat, and my mom and dad in the front. I get into a nice position. It is a long ride, and I want to be comfortable. "So...what power are you wishing for?", asks Esper, her eyes twinkling. "I really hope I get my mind reading. Just imagine how cool it would be to know what everyone was thinking....... Though obviously only with their permission", I add. Everyone laughs, and then we settle down into silence. I am really nervous about the ceremony now. I have a bad feeling about it....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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