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"I wanna try even though I could fail,"
  -Try everything Shakira

      ——— 🃏 ———

Early june 2015, a few weeks before they started to film

    *beep beep bee-* Harper slammed her hand on the annoying alarm clock that was going off in her room. 5:00am the clock read, this was the time Harper got up everyday to go to work. Her, Ian, and Anthony usually got up at this time to get to work early so they knew everything was in check before everyone got there.

    She rubbed her eyes and stretched followed by a yawn. Harper got out of bed and slipped into her house shoes. For the next 5-10 minutes she just kinda stood there looking at the show she had on the night before, no thoughts behind those eyes. Her attention finally went to her clothes that she layed out the night before on her chair.

    Harper sighed and dragged her feet over to the set. It was a pair of jean shorts, a tight Smosh Games shirt that revealed some of her stomach, red suspenders that she let hang down below her waist, and a minecraft hat that Harper usually wears backwards. A cold breeze hit her as she changed clothing.

    Harper started to hum to herself a song "he said one say you'll leave this world behind..." It eventually turned into mumbles because she didn't want to wake up her roommate Milo; Anthony's little brother.

    The clip Harper had in her hair fell out revealing her emo bang that she had. Harper blew it out of her face as she started to walk towards the kitchen to get a granola bar. Milo stood there fixing a bowl of cereal which slightly startled Harper.

    "Jesus M, why are you up so early??" Harper questioned as she had her hand over her heart. Usually at 5 o'clock in the morning Milo isn't up that's why it startled her.

    Milo shrugged before replying, "You're usually loud when you get ready in our bathroom so..." Milo dumped milk into his bowl of cereal before continuing "Might as well be up,"

    Harper nodded slowly with her lips slightly puckered "My bad," Harper said, she walked over to the cabinet and reached up to get the granola bars. A playful scoff left Milo's mouth.

    Milo sat down at the kitchen bar followed by Harper, there was a small convo between them about little things. But of course it only took like 5 seconds for Harper to eat her granola bar.

          Once Harper finished she decided to leave Milo to finish getting ready. She made her way to the bathroom where all her essentials were. She quickly brushed her dyed black hair out before styling it the way she always does before placing her hat on her head backwards. Then she quickly put on all her bracelets and rings before she started to brush her teeth.

        She quickly did that and made her way back to her bedroom, Harper checked her watch that was on her wrist 5:25 the watch read. Harper was making good time.

    A pair of red converses sat by her door, she grabbed them and sat down on the ground to put them on. Harper's phone slipped out of her pocket that reminded her to text Anthony and Ian. But of course she decided to call them because Harper needed to put her shoes on.

    ring ring muffles "hello...?"

    "Hey Ant," Harper paused for a moment "Are you even ready dude?"
Anthony cleared his throat "uh-uh yeah obviously," Harper heard rustling and a zipper go up.

    Harper sighed before continuing "Don't lie I can hear you. Anyways I was gonna say I'm gonna pick up coffee for the cast and Spencer so I need help from you and Ian, if that's okay?"

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