Respect-Emma's POV

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I take a deep breath and look up at the 100-story building upon me. My eyes grow wide and my heart pounds faster. As I walk up the grand stairs of the Elysian Dynamics building, my attention turns towards all of the men in all different types of luxurious suits from Alexander McQueen to Ralph Lauren. I look around at all the women wearing skirts and blouses from Balmain to Bergdorf. I sigh and grow anxious as I stare down at my $40 skirt and blouse that I bought from the clearance rack of Target. Growing self-conscious, I walk towards the front desk to be greeted by a, what seems to be 50 year old woman wearing a beaded glasses strap and has a very bright orange pantsuit with sunflowers spreader across. She's stern and typing furiously onto her keyboard. She has no regard to anything around her whatsoever. I cough to try to get her attention.

"Ahem." She doesn't look up from her computer. I stand there awkwardly, wondering if my couch was loud enough.

"Uhm, my name is Emma Parker. I have an interview for the new job that just opened up. The, uhm, assistant job." I say a little louder, hoping she would hear me. She doesn't look up at me once. I look at my watch, and read 1:30, knowing I'm supposed to in the office by 1:45. I can't be late, especially because I'm being interviewed by the CEO of Elysian Dynamics. I have to make a good first impression.

"Ma'am, I really have to be on time. So if you could just-"

"Take the fifth elevator on the right. and press level 100. His door will say Elysian." She grumbles, not looking up at all. I sigh and take her directions.

"Thank you." I look to my right and start walking, counting the elevators until I get to the fifth one. I press the button and wait patiently for the elevator door to open. I hear a ding and see the doors start to open slowly, with all types of business people filing out, making phone calls and fumbling with papers. As everyone leaves, I'm left with one woman who looks about my age standing in what looks like a $3,000 suit, standing patiently. I walk in, smile nervously and turn towards the elevators buttons. I see level 100 has already been pressed. I retrieve my hand and open my purse to study all the note cards I'd prepared the night before. I begin to whisper as softly as possible so I don't make a fool out of myself in front of this stranger.

"Okay. My name is Emma Parker and I have been in countless jobs like this- no- I have a lot of knowledge-mm no- a lot of experience with-" I struggle finding the right thing to say as I hear the woman chuckle and I spin around.

"That's not necessary. James isn't a note card type of person. He wants to see who you really are as a person, so I'd suggest throwing those away."She says confidently, not even looking at me. I stare at her. Her hair is in a high bun and she's got an intimidating look.

"Uhm, okay." I frown and turn around slowly. 

"Don't try to flatter him. Those types of things annoy him. But whatever happens, I trust you'll be better than our last assistant, Lucy. She was, to say the least, useless." She says emotionless. I chuckle softly and turn back around.

"What's your name?" I ask politely, hoping I can make a new friend. She doesn't turn to face me.

"That won't matter. I believe I won't see you again after this interaction. Those note cards told me all I needed to know." She scoffs. The level 100 buttons rings and she walks out. I stand in awe and disgust, baffled on the service I'm getting here. I stand in the elevator for a moment. I check my watch and see that the time is now 1:40. I start rushing and look for the name that the front desk lady told me. I trail around the office, trying to ignore the weird stares until I see "Elysian" printed on a frosted door. I take a deep breath and open the door. I'm met with a smaller office, which I assume is where Lucy worked. I see another door and a shadow with someone hunched over at their computer. I knock, waiting for my cue to come in.

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