So listen peoples wattpad is a app for reading and writing books and nothing more! And some people thinking just because they have 1k followers their are powerfull but its only pathetic to go around making people feeling down just because they don't have 1k followers And its not ok to call your followers braindead because they don't like how you turned so egoistic its totally rude to claim that the people who don't like your behaviour are braindead and using your brain damage as an excuse for your egoistic behavior is totally not ok and people like me who only has 300 followers are ok with that because we don't need that much followers and stop making a drama about just because The people don't like your music or don't share your music your Just a greedy bitch who's got nothing better to do than to  hate and bully your followers just because you got too greddy and unthankfull And I hate these people who having such a high ego but can't accept the truth its so pathetic wattpad isn't an app for hating and bullying each other and especially @Alpha_she_wolf is Such a dumb hoe who's a narcissist and always tries to make people hate on people like me who are sensitive and have a disability and she is totally sick In the head because she's doing alpha Wolf sexual roleplays with her peoples and she can't get enough she even made expose books but all her books and accounts got deleted from wattpad but she still don't want to accept the truth and don't want to hear that she's a bad person who's using wattpad for hate speech and bullying and she's clearly not ready for wattpad and she even claims to have littlespace but the way she's acting isn't like a people with littlespace would act and she claims to be a nice person but to me she showed her true face and her true colors And she's so dumb i bet she even made an expose book again but wattpad will delete it because we don't use Wattpad for bullying on weak peoples but she's only a cruel heartless bitch who has a mind of An 3 year old child so don't listen to her and just report her please that's the  best you can do and also block @CamShells we don't need people like them on wattpad !!!!

my opinion on this app today!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt