Chapter Fourty-Nine - Billie

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"You ready for the tour to start tomorrow?" Y/n asks me as we're getting ready for bed. I sigh. 

"Yes and no. This one is two years long. That's such a long time. I'm exhausted already and it hasn't even started yet," she laughs. "It's not funny,"

"No, it's not," she says and makes me look at her. I smile. "But you'll do great. And remember, we're getting married during all of it. Even if it means we have to wait another year and a half to have a proper honeymoon," she gives me a quick kiss and pulls me closer to her. Oh, I can't wait to call her my wife.


"You ready?" Finneas asks me. I nod. "Then, let's go," 

The moment I get on stage everybody starts screaming. I smile. I've missed this. Even if in a few months I'll be wanting to go home because I am exhausted. I'm just going to try and enjoy this for as long as possible. Even if I have to force myself to do so.


"What are we going to do about telling people that we are married?" Y/n asked as we were having dinner. I shrug.

"I suppose I could just post it online a few weeks later. I mean, they're gonna find out eventually. People are already starting to suspect it so there's no harm in making it public. I would just rather do it after the wedding is over," I tell her, and she nods.

"That sounds like a good plan," she smiles.

"I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but can we take one night without talking about getting married and just have a normal conversation? Most of our conversations have been only talks of getting married and wedding planning and I just want to have a regular conversation with you," she nods.

"Of course. What would you like to talk about?" She asks. 

"To be honest, I'm not sure,"

"So, you want a conversation that isn't about the wedding, but you have no other idea about what you would like to talk about?" She laughs.

"I guess so. I'm just so tired of having the same topic brought up all the time," 

"I get it. I've kind of been feeling that way, too. But it's such a big thing that it makes it hard to have any other conversation. And I know I haven't really been helping any when I've been strictly focusing on the planning," she admits.

"True but it makes sense. You've been wanting this for so long and it's finally happening and so you want it to be perfect and that is completely understandable even if it has made it unbearable to be around you sometimes,"

"I'm sorry about that. I wasn't really thinking about anything else. I just wanted all of the hard parts to be done and over with,"

"I completely understand. I was with you for most of it. Even when I didn't want to be," I mumble. She rolls her eyes.

"You're making it sound like you never wanted to be planning a wedding,"

"Mhm, sure. Because I definitely wasn't the one who proposed to you," I reminded her. She laughed.

"I do remember it being you who got down on one knee on top of a mountain and cried while asking me to marry her,"

"I know you didn't just bring that up,"

"It's okay. It was cute. And maybe a little bit funny,"

"It wasn't funny. I was scared. I didn't know what the outcome would be,"

"If you seriously didn't know if I would say yes or no then you do not know me well enough,"

"Are you saying I don't know you well enough to be getting married to you? Because if that's the case then what don't I know about you? Are you a secret undercover agent who has been spying on me for three years now?" I joke. She laughs again.  

"Yes, that is definitely what I am. I've been sent to learn as much as possible about you so that I can go back to my boss and tell him of my findings and find any probable cause," I roll my eyes,

"You are so annoying,"

"Well, you've chosen to spend the rest of your life with someone who is annoying. That wasn't my choice, so you better get used to it now before the wedding that's supposed to happen two months from now," I nod.

"Oh, I do intend to do that,"

"You said you wanted to not have a conversation about the wedding and here we are talking about it again," she tells me.

"Looks like we just can't get away from the topic,"

"I don't think we'll be able to have a normal conversation for another six or so months,"

"That's what it's starting to sound like,"

"Are you ladies ready for the bill?" The waiter asks us. I nod and he walks away. A few minutes later he returned, and I put my card in the little book. After another ten or so minutes we finally leave, making our way back to the hotel. We start getting around for the night when there's a knock at the door. Y/n goes to answer it and she walks back with Claudia following behind her. I sigh.

"Please don't tell me that you and Fin got into a fight again," she smiles and shakes her head.

"No, we haven't. I just thought I would spend some time with the two of you,"

"Why?" I ask. She shrugs.

"For fun. I also know that in two months time, you two will be so caught up in feeling the aftereffects of marriage that you won't be focusing on anything or anyone else other than that. And the shows," I give Y/n a look and she smiles.

"Well, if that is so then you better spend as much time with us as you can for the next two months," Y/n teases. 

"Maybe I will," Claudia tells her.

We spent the next few hours just talking. Talking about anything. It was good to have a conversation that wasn't the wedding. Claudia was able to bring something up that wasn't that. She's the only person who is really able to do that. Which is surprising because I figured she'd be the main person who would bring it up every five seconds.

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