Chapter One

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Dolores Umbridge was sitting in her pink armchair. She was going to have a trial the next day, and she was not a tiny bit worried. It was a very normal day for her. She sipped on her tea as she imagined her trial the next day.

She imagined the new Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, to be questioning a few things about her life and what she did. There was absolutely no way she was getting in trouble - she was a well-respected Ministry worker, after all. And the Ministry valued her life greatly. Of course.

She slowly closed her eyelids, laying down on her pink bed in her pink bedroom with pink walls. Ahh, what a day. And tomorrow would be no more than a normal day.

Her eyelids flicked open, staring at the cat posters on her wall. Then she remembered. Of course. It was the day of her trial. She walked out, dressed in pink. She shut her door.

She strode past Katie Bell, one of her past students, who only scowled when she saw her. "Excuse me," Umbridge said, politely. "Aren't you supposed to greet me, my dear?" "You're not my teacher anymore," said Katie, firmly. "I'm a grown-up. And oh, yes. Good luck for your trials! And make sure not to tell lies." Umbridge scoffed as she walked off. She wasn't slightly bothered. The sun was shining brightly. People were out celebrating that the Dark Lord was finally gone.

She walked into the Ministry of Magic, looking extremely confident and unworried. "You're having your trials today," said Ron Weasley, sarcastically, as he joined her in the lift. "Are you nervous?" "Oh, my dear, there's nothing out there! Just some false accusations!" Umbridge replied, swiftly.

Umbridge pushed through the lift, looking proud and high. She sat on the chair at the Court as if it was a throne, and looked at Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt straight in the eye. "Miss Dolores Umbridge, 37 years old, Single, am I right?" he said.

"Yes, that's me," said Umbridge, in a high voice. "Committed crimes of child abuse, am I right?" he added on, calmly. "No, Minister," said Umbridge, confidently. "I would like to state that it is a false accusation and I would never, ever do such a thing." She shifted her legs slightly, still looking at the young Minister.

The Minister, as though having already anticipated this, simply stared back at her sternly. "Now, ma'am, I would like to ask you, if you have committed this crime, particularly, against Mr. Harry James Potter?"

"No, Minister, I deny that," Umbridge said. To her absolute horror, Harry Potter had been hiding behind the Minister the whole time. He stood up, and the entire court stared at him. "Ma'am," he said. "You're lying. Look. I have got these scars at the back of my hand as evidence." He showed his long-lasting scars of 'I must not tell lies' to the entire court, much to Umbridge's horror.

"No! No!" squeaked Umbridge, quickly, now as terrified as a pig. "I didn't! T-that... Was not me! It was the doing of... Of... Albus Dumbledore!" "That is a very serious accusation, ma'am," said Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt, seriously. "I'm sorry, but I must say that you're guilty." "No!" squeaked Umbridge, her face blue with fear and terror. "Stop it! Stop it! I demand you to stop!"

The entire court was highly amused. Umbridge tried to get off, but one of the guards stopped her. "Ma'am, sorry to say, but you cannot leave. There's still more to go." Umbridge, by now, looked rather frustrated by how the entire court was imitating her ways just to intimidate her. How dare they intimidate a Ministry worker more highly ranked than them! She was going to show them.

She sat on her chair again, nearly tripping over herself. "Okay, ma'am," the Minister continued. "You have been accused of committing crimes of property damage in the Room of Requirement Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, am I right?" "No, I deny this one," said Umbridge. "The Room of Requirement was destroyed by Vincent Crabbe." "Yes, ma'am, you're right," said the Minister, and just as Umbridge was about to breathe out a sigh of relief, he continued, "But, however, you did damage the property two years before that." "I never did," said Umbridge, firmly, refusing to budge. "Where's the evidence?"

"We would be getting that from Mr. Harry James Potter," he simply replied. Umbridge was getting annoyed. Not that wretched boy again. What was he going to do this time? Well, she guessed that he couldn't do much, but she was very wrong indeed.

Umbridge could only watch as Harry slowly pulled out his memory and gave it to the Minister. "We will watch this together in the pensive, ma'am."

Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt put Harry's memory in the pensive and they watched as the D.A. was performing some magical spells when suddenly, the door crashed open. Dolores Umbridge was standing there.

"You're guilty," said the Minister. "Now you cannot leave yet, because you have also been accused of false imprisonment. You imprisoned four-hundred and ninety-one people, am I right? In Azkaban? For stealing their magic?" "No, Sir, I would like to say that it wasn't me and it was Mr. Albert Runcorn." Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt looked over at Albert, knowingly. "I will deal with you later," he said, firmly. "We have released 491 people who were falsely imprisoned just because of their Muggle-born status, and you are guilty of imprisoning them."

"No!" screamed Umbridge. "No! No! No!" The judges laughed in amusement. They had never seen such a funny sight in a long time. Umbridge was making a dash for the exit, but again, the guards stopped her. The Minister looked down on her, looking extremely stern. "Ma'am, this is not the end. You have also been accused of betraying the Ministry of Magic and siding by Voldemort. Am I right?" "No, Sir," said Dolores, Umbridge. "Why would I, Dolores Jane Umbridge, ever do such a thing?" She broke off into one of her sweetest but most evil smiles.

"You're guilty," one of the judges said. "No!" Umbridge yelled. "Angelina! You were my student! Please! Please tell me that I'm innocent!" "I'm sorry, Professor, but I must not tell lies," she simply replied. "Take her away!" commanded the Minister to the guards. "Your sentence would be life in Azkaban! And because of the number of crimes you have committed, you are going to have a Dementor, just to guard your cell."

Umbridge was screaming, and the entire court had never seen a more hilarious sight in their entire life. The guards dragged her, still screaming, out. "Albert Runcorn, you next!" Umbridge heard in the distance, as the guards removed her wand.

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