Lost Girl

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"Endeavor, relax."

Two voices could be heard nearby.

The park was empty and the brisk night winds caused the no. 1 pro hero to pull his coat closer.

He was currently watching a pissed off Endeavor, a fire extinguisher not far in case his flames reached the trees.

"Deep breaths. Everything is alright." All Might spoke lowly. He knew better than to try to pat his back or do anything of that sort. His hand still had some small burns from last time.

"I didn't know it was your food, Enji. We had the exact same thing for takeout yesterday, how was I supposed to who's box was who's?" All Might explained, crossing his arms.

"I know! Because I had EXACTLY 4,392 grains of rice and 6 pieces of chicken." Endeavor fumed as he turned to All Might, his entire head and shoulders engulfed in a roaring flame.

"Did you.. actually sit and count every single grain of your rice..?" All Might raised a brow before hearing someone fall onto the concrete.

Endeavor's flames ceased as he turned to see who it was, All Might turning his head as well.

"No..!" It was a young woman, staring in horror as her laptop slid across the concrete after dropping from what they assumed was her hands or bag. Rather than acknowledging the heroes, the young woman crawled over to her laptop, eagerly grabbing it and trying to power it on.

"No.. come on, come on..!" She sniffled as the screen just flashed white before going back to black. As the woman began sobbing uncontrollably, All Might finally stood off the bench to approach her.

"Hey.. it's going to be okay." He crouched opposite of her, slowly reaching out to rub her shoulder supportively.

Slowly, Endeavor stepped over, crouching next to her. "I'm so sorry.." He spoke ithe softest voice possible. "Is there.. anything we can do to help?" He asked.

Slowly, the girl calmed down, wiping her tears as she slowly shoved her laptop into her bag. "Not unless you can buy me a new laptop.." She sniffled.

She was surely going to fail now. Just when she thought she was finally going to catch up on work, this happens. She hadn't expected what All Might said next, though.

"That settles that, then. I'll buy you a brand new laptop. Better than that one." He offered a small smile. "Don't worry about paying me back. I don't want a promising looking student like yourself to fail." He lightly pat her back.

"I'll give you my contact information and we can work out the details later." He helped her stand up.

"In the meantime.." Endeavor stepped in, crossing his arms. "Where do you live, Young Lady? It's much too dangerous for you to be walking around by yourself at this hour." He asked, looking down at her with a stone cold expression. Though his eyes couldn't help but wander.

No. Don't even dare think like that, Enji. Not like she'd ever be interested in someone like you anyway.. she's probably afraid of you, just like everyone else.

"Um.. I live on campus. It's only a walking distance, I can handle myse- W-whoa!! What are you doing?!" Just as the young woman started to respond, she was lifted by Endeavor. "I can walk! Really! It's fine..!" She protested.

"You're not making a 50 minute walk by yourself." Endeavor bluntly replied, holding her bridal style.

"I'm with him on that. It's our duty as heroes to make sure citizens are safe. We will take you home. What's your name?" All Might asked, looking down at both of them.

"U-um.. Leiluna.. just call me Luna." The young woman replied, looking down. "I had no idea I walked that far.. thank you both very much for taking me home."

"No need for thanks." Endeavor replied. "You aren't afraid of heights, are you?" He asked, raising a brow.

"Um.. n-not really? ..why?" Leiluna asked softly.

"It's best we don't chance it. Let's just take her by car." All Might spoke.

"That will also take 50 minutes. And that's just getting there." Endeavor replied, turning to face him while still holding the woman in his arms.

Leiluna just watched awkwardly as both men began pondering on the quickest way to get her home.

"Well.. there's also the option of letting her stay the night." All Might blurted, earning a wide eyed glance from Endeavor.

"Are you mad?!" He asked. Why on Earth would they let a woman they just met less than 5 minutes ago stay in their shared mansion?! Even if it was overnight, could they really trust her..?

"No, I'm happy!" All Might flashed his usual grin before picking Leiluna off from Endeavor's arms. "Honestly, Endeavor. Live a little! What harm could this sweet little peach cause?" He cradled her in one giant arm and used his other to boop her nose, which caused a sneeze.

Endeavor gave a sigh from his nostrils, looking down at the young woman. All Might was kind of right. With her size against theirs, how much of a threat could she really pose?... physically.

"We still don't know what her quirk is, if she even has one." He mumbled, kind of hoping her quirk wasn't dangerous. It could be nice having a visitor over that wasn't a colleague to just talk about more work. Not to mention how adorably small and cute she was.

"Oh, um.. i-it's just a fox quirk.. no special powers or anything like that. Not that I know of, anyway.." Leiluna stuttered, looking down.

"And me staying over isn't necessary! Again, I really don't mind wal-" She was interrupted by Endeavor speaking over her.

"She's coming with us." He spoke sternly. "It is 11 at night and you have no idea what kind of criminals are out lurking around waiting for a pretty little thing like yourself." He was trying to make a point, but he froze when he realized his inner monologue slipped out. Turning and clearing his throat, Endeavor just pretended that he hadn't just said that.

All Might, however, caught on. With a smirk, he began carrying Leiluna, lightly brushing past Endeavor. "It seems we were both thinking the same thing, hm?"

Hearing Endeavor just grunt as he began to follow, Leiluna looked up. "A-and.. that is..?" She was honestly afraid to ask. There was just no way, no HOW the top 2 heroes in the nation thought that she, of all the women in the world, was even remotely attractive.

"That you're very beautiful." All Might replied.

Her heart skipped a beat or two as she sat, frozen and confused.

Slowly, Leiluna mumbled, hoping she was dreaming.. "W-what..?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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