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"𝐈 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐒 𝐀 𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄." Elena suddenly spoke up making you unwrap yourself from around her.

You guys all looked only to see a creepy haunted looking, White House looking building.

It made you shiver just looking at it.

You guys all looked at each other and then started walking, Noah being your guys' lead since he had a flashlight.

"What are we looking for?" Noah asked shining his light every which way.

"You see the symbols on the temple?" Elena spoke up.

"They match the ones in the courtyard." She explained. "I think it's up there."

You guys all walked up the stairs of the temple carefully and slowly made your way into the ruined building.

"I think we found what we came here for." Noah said shining the flashlight on what looked like a casket.

"Yeah." You nodded.

"I always wondered what it would feel like to be there when artifacts were actually found." Elena admitted as you guys all stepped closer to the the so called concrete box.

"All right. Now come on, push." Noah said grabbing ahold of the end of the box while Elena grabbed ahold of the other end and you pushed from the front.

It moved a bit but it was harder than you guys expected it to be even with three people on it.

You all grunted and then Elena suddenly looked at Noah.

"Are you even pushing." She said through gritted teeth which made you snort out a laugh.

Noah side eyed you before looking back at Elena.

"Yeah I'm pushing." He grunted.

Finally, you guys had got the top off of the concrete box.

It was extremely dusty when you did and when Noah shined the light in the box and you all looked inside, a moment of pure silence washed over the three of you.

"No way.." you murmured.

"Wait what?" Noah added right after.

"Just..just let me think." Elena spoke.

"Oh no, no. Where is it?" Noah asked suddenly panicking.

You only stared in the box, your hands balling up into fists as pure stress wracked through your body.

"Sometimes, there's like a...like a false bottom or something ." Elena said and as soon as she said that you and Noah reached in and tried pushing it down to no avail so soon you guys got to wiping.

You noticed Elena's face scrunch before she looked at the both of you.

"Look, I think I found something." She said grabbing Noah because he was the only one who had a flashlight.

"You see these symbols?" She asked. "I've seen markings like this..the Airazor statue at my museum, they're new. They're not on the Transwarp key." She explained.

"There's two of them." You and Noah said at the same time.

Noah wiped his hand over it and then blew the rest of the dust out the way.

Suddenly you guys heard something and you all whipped your heads around to see the cause of the sound.

All was quiet for a moment before Noah whispered for Mirage while Elena wrote the symbols on her hand.

You just watched cautiously your body tense and in fighting position.

"Let's keep moving." You and Noah both said.

"Just give me a second." Elena said writing faster now.

You and Noah looked at each other with worry and then Noah looked back at the symbols pointing his flashlight to it to help Elena while you still stared intensely at the door frame getting the feeling that something was off.


When Noah shined his flashlight up, you guys all saw it.

"RUN!" Noah shouted and Elena screamed running, you hopped over the box, tripping momentarily before gathering your footing again and running right along with Noah and Elena.

You avoided whatever the metal thing that was chasing you was and Noah shouted a "Go, go, go, go, go!" At the both of you grabbing you and moving you to the front of him like how Elena was and kept running.

"Mirage! We got trouble!" Noah yelled into the metal glove on his hand. "One of the things is down here! Where are you guys?"

"Hang tight, I'm on the way!" Mirage said immediately leaving his post as well as Optimus, Wheel Jack, and Arcee.

You all ran up the stairs and Elena fell back against the wall and when she did you fell over her.

An 'ow' left your lips as you scrambled to get up and when you did, you rolled, Elena rolling right along with you because the thing had aimed for her.

"Come on." Noah said picking both you and Elena up as you all ran.

After a couple of moments of a clear path for you guys, the thing had jumped in front of you all making Noah pull you and Elena back behind him.

"Do something!" Elena said pushing him.

"What do you want me to do?" He retorted.

The creature snarled and got ready to pounce on you guys when suddenly a beam shot out from Noah's glove and shot the creature.

You all ducked and when you finally opened your eyes and looked, the creature was dead.

You both looked in disbelief looking at the glove then at Noah.

"You had a gun this whole time?" You both said in pure disbelief.


You guys walked for a while in silence after that.

"I hear water." Noah suddenly spoke up.

You guys all stepped out and when you all did. You looked around in confusion.

Why were you guys in a forest?

"Where are we?" Elena asked aloud clearly thinking the same thing you were.

You all carefully stepped off of the rocks making sure not to fall and then you all stepped into the water.

Elena held onto Noah and you held onto Elena.

Suddenly you all heard roaring and grunting coming from somewhere.

"What was that?" You and Elena both asked worriedly looking at each other.

You guys continued to walk anyway even though you were all scared when suddenly a huge Gorilla looking transformer jumped down into the water, drenching all of you guys in the process.

It roared beating its chest before slamming its fist back down into the water and all you could think was




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