Upset and Hurt

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Dear Diary,

Today has been tough. I've been feeling pretty down because of how my family has been treating me lately. It's like no matter what I do, it's never enough for them. They always seem to find something to criticize or a reason to be mean. I feel like I'm constantly walking on eggshells around them, trying not to do anything that might set them off.

I try so hard to make them happy and to be a good family member, but it seems like they don't appreciate anything I do. Their words hurt, and it's getting harder and harder to brush it off and pretend like it doesn't affect me. I wish they could understand how much their negativity impacts me and how much it hurts to feel unloved and unwanted by the people who are supposed to care about me the most.

I need to remember that their words don't define my worth.

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