Lotte. She ok Beth is just packing so. She can stay at mine anyways how you feeling?
Viv. Ok
Lotte. Want anything to. Eat or drink
Viv. No thank you who won?
Lotte . Us 3-1
Viv. That's good
+you esme and beth get home +
Sienna. I go play with my cars?
Beth. Yeah go on then
Sienna. Yayy
Beth. Do you want a drink es?
Esme. I'm ok thanks . Sienna tonight do we need to know anything
Beth. She has a milk before bed
Esme. Does she have any toys
Beth. She loves cars she'll bring them
Esme. Lotte has cars too
Beth. I can imaging right all. Packed will you be ok
Esme. Beth don't worry she'll be fine
+skip a week Viv is getting better. Sienna still staying with Esme and Lotte +
Nurse charlotte. Alright then so you have a fair amount of medication you have to take.
Viv. Ok
Nurse charlotte. They will. Be at the pharmacy hey dressed and come down sign the discharge papers
Viv. Ok
Beth. Do you want any help?
Viv. please +Beth gets her dressed+
Nurse charlotte. Right so change of plans there been a slight change and your doctor wants to fit you with a heart monitor
Viv. Ok