Chapter 36

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Jungkook woke up stretching his body
"Arrrgggg my head its pounding" he grabbed his head and massaged it

"Ahhh" he looked around he is in his room

"How did i came here.....i shouldn't have drunk so much" he went to bathroom and got freshen up

"Were is tae " he went out to see no one in the hall

He walked to yungeom's room was about to knock but stopped

He gazed at the door with contemplating look
He leaned forward and placed his ear on the door and hold his breath

When he heard the nasty noises he backed away and stumbled back to his room

He shook his head 'nasty fellows '

"Did tae went back " jungkook pouted and tryed to remember anything from last night

So handsome ~~

I love your moles~~

You don't have mole here ~~

Kissy ~~

"What the hell " he don't remember its some bits and pieces

He got the water bottle and saw pills

And a note
It read

Morning sleepy head
Take the pills and have something i have ordered for you will deliver soon and take some rest

See yaa ~
Baby doll ~

Jungkook sequeled and giggled his boyfriend is so cute the blush in his face and the smile on his lips makes jungkook look cuter

And the food got delivered after half an hour after breakfast jungkook called tae

"Heyy " jungkook giggled

Heyyy'' came the voice with same tone

"You woke up '" jungkook hummed

"Yes and had breaky too.....when did you went back "

"Night after dropping you "

"You didn't even changed my dress " jungkook Whined

"You whined so much when i moved you thats why "

They both talked after that tae bid bye as he have work

Jungkook went to have some sleep

The days went by and jungkook went to college it is the final semester and after that he is out of the hell

He can't wait because after graduation he can move in with tae and he will work too

He went out with his friends after college his boyfriend is busy with work so kook didn't heard from him for two days
New project and new stress for tae

Last day jungkook heard from tae told him that his father is visiting the company so jungkook didn't disturb him he knows how strict is after all

V signed he is hating it his father came and scolded him for being useless

And said that he should officially join the company not work behind his brother and always hiding

Fuck that old man anyway like he is gonna listen

He should totally go and see his baby doll

He went to search for tae but didn't find him

my boyfriend have a twin ?| TaekookVWhere stories live. Discover now