Wind Glider Training

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Finally Amber decided to train Kazuki tomorrow and told Kazuki to rest today, finally the next day arrived, Kazuki woke up very early and he went out and around, and it turned out that it was so early that there was no one there except the guards, Kazuki finally remembering his purpose and why he was here, Kazuki looked for a place to rest and sit and he saw a cafe/restaurant that was open very early, he went into that place and ordered 1 drink and 1 food, Kazuki rested for a while until he paid for the food and drink then went back to Jean and Amber's place, Amber had woken up a few minutes ago and saw Kazuki,

Amber asked

“So... traveler? Do you want to do the exercises now?”

Kazuki answered "I think even without practice I can use it... but okay."

  Amber was suddenly called for other purposes and before she left she said

“Meet me on the hill nearby wanderer!” She gave the wind glider manual to Kazuki and then she left,

Kazuki took the book and read it. In the book there was a story

Story from the book:

“Birds that long for the sky have wings but cannot fly, They asked      to the Archon Anemo: “How can I embrace the sky of heaven?” Archon Anemo answered: "You haven't found the most important thing" As the Archon spoke, the wind blew across the land and the dandelion seeds flew high into the sky, the birds flapped their wings, but the gust of wind in the air was too weak... Making they fell to the earth again. Therefore, they went to the top of the hill where the wind was blowing very hard. They bravely plunged from the hill and flapped their wings in the midst of the wind until they could fly freely in the sky. They cried out with their hearts rejoices at Archon Anemo “Now we understand! What we need is a strong wind" And Archon Anemo answered again: "The most important thing is not the wind, but courage. It is courage that makes you the first bird to fly in the world."

Kazuki also said to himself "Isn't this a fairy tale book..?"

Kazuki went to look for Amber on the hill near the city of Mondstadt and finally found Amber waiting for Kazuki, then Amber said


You're here too! Have you read the manual and know the rules?"

Kazuki also said

"I don't see any rules in this book... But yes I read a good story."

Amber was confused and replied to Kazuki's conversation

“Good story? Oh! Surely what you mean is the case example in the attachment. Some of them I like, my favorite is about the illegal anemo slime taking off. Apparently if you take out the anemo slime and take off in a gust of wind, it will fly you very, very high... I really want to try it!”

Kazuki also said

“No.. not that.. but about a little bird who wants to learn how to fly.”

Amber also said

“umm... what..? let me see"

Kazuki gave the book to Amber and Amber said

“Oh.. I'm sorry! This is a story book that I often read when I was little! Excuse me! Looks like I accidentally picked up the wrong book... But don't worry! You should definitely understand what is meant in this book, right? Yes! Courage is the key.”

Kazuki also said

“I definitely have courage.” Amber said

“Okay traveler! Let's begin!".

Kazuki also started using it
wind glider and used it easily while following Amber's directions, Kazuki also completed one of the tests and then he used it elsewhere, Kazuki once almost fell because he sometimes couldn't control his wind glider, but he tried and finally passed the second time, Finally, in the last test, which was a very high place, Kazuki jumped with his wind glider, even though in the middle he almost lost control, but in the end he controlled his wind glider and finished the final test, Amber said

“Good traveler! You do well you will also get a wind glider license, Kazuki also said

“Do I need a license for a wind glider..?”
Amber said
"Yes! So you can fly freely."

~To Be Continued~
Next up: A busker?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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