Chapter Twelve. One Butt Or Two?

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Hehehe... hello everyone after a long time! Missed me? 

I know I said something about updating chapters every week and stuff, but (obviously) I didn't stick to it. I am a highly Dedicated Duck, and this Duck needed to study for her Finals

But still, sorry for the late update

Before you read this Chapter, there's two things I'd like to say: 

1. Isn't this new cover amazing? Special thanks to @Seaweed_Brain26 for this amazing Cover, I love it so much! Everyone should go follow him. 

     I decided that I'll change my Book Cover every 2K or 3K views (depending on my laziness and the people who want to design the cover) but for now I'll appreciate the current one (seriously I love it so much)

2. This is the first chapter that I wrote a character based on a living person. Love you Leah<33333 (I wrote your character as best as I could; sorry if you don't like it, but she's one of my fav characters yet!) She's the person I dedicated my chapter to, go follow her! 

Now, if you're done reading this long Authors Note, enjoy the story!

Emily's POV: 

 When Music ended, I was surprised to see Terrence Kingsley standing in front of the door. 

 (Music was totally not fun after Ms. Cockburn had her mini 'piano concert'. We learned something about the Middle Ages and how music was based on religion and love back than and some other blah blah blah's that nobody even cared about. Also, Brian kept poking Collin who sat in front of him, which led to a silent fight so hilarious that Zachery and I couldn't focus to the lecture.) 

 I walked up to Terrence and grinned, "How'd you know I was in this class?" 

 Terrence snorted, "What makes you think I came for you?" 

 But then there was a 'smack' sound from behind and Terrence kinda groaned in pain. 

 "That is not how you treat your lady, Terrence," Leah said as she appeared from behind him. 

 Leah I-can't-pronounce-her-last-name was this really pretty girl that looked like an angel but acted like a devil. She had long dark hair that suited her tan skin, her brown eyes always full of life. Everything about her screamed, 'I'M ALIVEEEE'. 

 Leah turned to me, "So you're Terrence's girlfriend?" 

 "The one and only," I said awkwardly, then added a quick "I hope." I could hear Terrence rolling his eyes. 

 In my defense, I had no idea how to act like a girlfriend. Unfortunately, I had been single for pretty much my entire life. (Unless you counted Jimmy back in elementary school who dated five other girls along with me... but I didn't count him)

 Leah laughed and held out her hand, "I'm Leah Aguiar. Like, it's pronounced as Ahh-gee-are. Nice to meet you." 

 I took her hand and shook it, "I'm Emily Danvers. And we take History together." 

 I had always considered Leah as one of the 'nice ones'. (obviously Stephanie was a 'bad one') She was like a golden retriever; she loved people. Leah could easily become friends with anyone in about thirty seconds, from what I've seen in History. She was also one of the few people that could get away with having tons of guy friends without being called out as a 'bitch' and a 'pickme'. 

 Leah's eyebrows scrunched, "Wait, really? I don't think I've met you before- at least not in person." 


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