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"Wait. I don't understand why you dislike him. He hasn't done anything to you –"

"He caused me to stall. In public. In traffic. I have never done that before and yet, just by him acknowledging that it was me, I panicked!" Alex groaned into her pillow as Bell came over to hang out.

Sundays were always their bonding time, to catch up from the week and to discuss future plans and whatnot. Alex appreciated them a lot but she won't let Bell know that, she's already cocky enough as it is, she thought to herself.

Bell rolled her eyes at her friend's tantrum. "I don't get it. You should be excited by this. I mean, he already slept here, he made you food, and he recognized you under a helmet. I think he's interested in you."

Alex shot up and stood, towering over Bell who was sitting on the couch, legs crossed. "No. No. No! I swore off men. They are too much of a hassle and I can't deal with it anymore." Another eye roll from Bell, they both are surprised her eyes aren't messed up after doing it countless of times. "Sit down and stop being a drama queen."

Alex did as told and huffed, she wasn't going to let Bell change her mind or herself. Growing up, Alex only had her mom around but she was of no use. She was an alcoholic and drug addict. Thankfully, she only had to deal with her until she was five years old, but that didn't mean she had any more problems.

Once Alex was out of the system, she was bombarded with debt after debt from her Mom's hospital bills, drinking bills, and even from her drug dealers. Her mom passed away when she was ten, which didn't surprise Alex with the rate she was going with her drinking and drugs. Her dad was out of the picture since her birth so Alex has had no idea how romance works. Movies and books were always the fairytale ending and plus, they weren't real.

Relying on her feelings and little knowledge, Alex did what she could when it came to love. But she realized, the only things that really can't fail you or disappoint you, and that are always there for you are the materialistic things. Which is why Alex has spent all of her time and her love, on Lexi and Ki.

Bell began rummaging through Alex's fridge when she let out a 'yelp'. Worried, she got up and ran over thinking she got hurt, but instead she had a huge grin on her face. "What is it now, Bell?"

"Did you know he left his number here?" Now it was Alex who was surprised, she quickly stood next to her friend and looked in the fridge. It was a sticky note with Connor's number and a winky face. Alex groaned whereas Bell squealed.

"You have to call him."

"No. And you can't make me." Alex left to grab her phone when Bell started talking, "Hi, is this Connor?" Alex's eyes grew and she ran to tackle Bell to the ground, but Bell was swift and the two were running around the island.

"No, this is her best friend Bell. Yeah she told me about you! Of course, it wasn't in my best judgment to send you to her place but I am glad you weren't a bad guy."

Alex stood still at Bell's next words, "Oh I know she can be a handful...oh you want to go out with her sometime?" Alex mouthed no and waved her arms like crazy, Bell rolled her eyes and continued to talk, "She would love to! I'll put your number in her phone and make sure to mark her calendar."

"Alright, nice to meet you too. Bye Connor."

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Alex kept her glare on Bell as she was currently helping her get ready for the date, or as Alex calls it: a 'meet-and-greet'. Alex will not acknowledge it's a date and yet, deep down, her mind has been on the handsome man ever since they first met. As much as she tried, he was always invading her thoughts and recently, his dreams too. But Alex wouldn't tell that to Bell. Ever.

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