My nightmare

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Hi I'm Alice! I'm 16 years old and I have a younger sister and my mum and my dad! I live in a small town in the UK. My life I would say is perfectly normal... Or was.... You see when I was born something terrible happened... Which resulted in me having a life long physical impairment, it certainly has not been easy and never will be.
She lay there, staring up at the pale dull ceiling of her bedroom. Her thoughts haunting her every movement. And as she lay she thought, thinking was her worst enemy.. But by this time she had no control like her mind was transporting itself into a black hole of pain and sleep deprivation that Alice would never escape! She truly had a deep loathing of this, being awake at the dead of night, by herself with nothing to distract her from slipping into daydreams of tormenting nightmares that once where real happenings. Afraid to shut her eyes to relive these moments over and over again. Nobody gets it.... Everyone thinks that she's fine... That there is nothing wrong with her... She's putting on a act they would say as she walks into a room full of people that know... Know her deepest fears. But what people don't understand is that she is hurting, real bad... And right now for Alice there is no way out.

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