19. dare

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BB: Has anyone seen Grassy?

GB: No.

TV: * inserts it might seem what I'm about to say meme*

TB: What are you trying to say?

TV: I'm saying that Grassy is in the washroom vomiting.

BB: What? 8-ball. Upstairs. Now.

* They both go upstairs to find Grassy vomiting *

BB: Grassy are you okay?

Grassy: * cough* yeah... * cough* Grassy is fine...

8B: Do we need to take you to the hospital? Who did this to you?

Grassy: TV.... * cough*

BB: Oh, that stupid little piece of sh-

8B: Can you tell us what happened?

Grassy: so... uhm....


Blocky: what are supposed to even do when the " balls" are gone?

RBF: I don't know, I'm going to bed.

TV: It's 1:30 in the afternoon.

RBF: A girl needs her beauty sleep, okay?

* Ask and dare notification*


TV: This is from Electro.

Blocky: does it have to be all of us?

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Blocky: does it have to be all of us?

TV: I think I have an idea.


Grassy: Hi TV, what do you want?

TV: So, there is something I want to give you, here. * Gives Grassy a rock that looks like a piece of candy.

Grassy: Thank you.


BB: So that's what happened?

Grassy: mhm.... * cough*

TV: It's not my fault, it was Electro's idea.

8B: Don't worry, bud. we'll call an ambulance.

200+ words

(Before you say anything, Ella. Blocky wants you to plan a dare for revenge. Also making 8-ball look like a father figure to Grassy is just AUDWDNAWOFNCAEMV9RG I CAAANNN'TT. Anyways, byeeee :))

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