Fighting with herself

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CONSCIENCE 1: Why You always make the same mistake over and over? Why this time it hurts more than anything?
I can feel the fear, the hurts, and the pain Why are you even in love with him? Why are you letting the fake love he is offering you destroy you? Tell me why . Why do you let Him have that power over you ? You can say no to it now and let go . You are not a prisoner of love.

The blamer : I thought it was different this time, I let my self go , I fell in love and now I'm paying for it. Is something wrong with me?
It was so easy to break up with my past relationships , I was never in love before now that I know how it feels , I don't want to be in love anymore . It hurts , especially when you feel that the feelings are not reciprocal. I want to let go , I don't want to be with someone like you anymore . A liar , a manipulator.

The cry baby : The pain doesn't want to go away , it hurts more and more Every time I think about it . All those girls he told he is single , all the girl he flirts with, play with . Telling them he loves them and all those other shit. I'm getting lie to everyday, I feel like a sucker , a dumb ass. Or am I really dumb when to come to being with him..
the joke is on me I should of know love is nothing but vanity .my age is an age of desire and pleasure.
I want to stop crying , I don't want no relationship for now . There is better thing I can do with myself instead of wasting my time loving someone who is looking for something else, who talks to other girls lie to them and me about love.someone who lie just for the fun of it ,someone who can't even tell me the truth about his own feelings towards me. Someone who is telling every girls he wants them and he is single, someone who is looking for attention somewhere else, someone who give the attention he gave you to other girls and lie to your face like you dumb, someone who manipulate you like a damn puppet and go home and do the same shit, text the same girls , call them Bae,Hun ECT . i deserve better and I know it.
Oh noo, my heart doesn't want to let go, I wanna move on but it won't let me. It don't know about what I'm going through, it thinks it's a game. the level of dopamine is to much, I have enough,I don't want to let my weakness get the best of me. I need to move on with my life, I need to start all over.prevent those mistakes , work on me instead of letting love in my life again.

Conscience 2: How can you let someone like him shit all over your life like that, thinking you were special, no you dumb AF, you been in school all your life and you still a none clever ass Bitch. Get TF out your feelings you should of see it coming especially after all you been through . Shut the fuck up talking about you deserve better. No you don't because if you did you would of look for better not being here loving someone who don't respect what y'all share together, someone who here to fuck you only . I'm so disappointed of you . You been around boys all your life and you still manage to get play like a little sucker. acting like you don't know what real love is like, of course you do , you loyal to his fucking ass you cut off all your fucking friends . You cut off important people in your life .dumb ass bitch you did it for a nigga that's just fucking you. What else? What's new ? Is he rich? What does he provides you after is insolence and dick ? How could you? Is it because you trying to hide the fact that you're in love with her. Instead of talking about being in love your retarded life need try to finish with what you are learning , get a fucking job , move away get more educated and live a good life. You are getting old . You ain't 15 anymore , you are not experiencing shit anymore. You are about to turn 18 in a couple months, only dumb girls waste time crying over some dick. You got all the time on earth to love a why wasting it now stressing someone that ain't stressing you . Those time are gone. Think about where you gonna be in a few years . Your parents aint gonna be here all the time. Just like grandma they will be gone, gone forever .Smart people don't let them dumb shit get the best of them. They focus on the positive their education , God and money . If some dumb nigga try to get in their way they just cut them off . they are to busy trying to make their family proud and loving life. They waste their time on someone who is sharing the same dream as them , who loves them . Who want to be here in their success and failure not some womanizer , liar or wanna be player. 18 is time to look how you going to make your own money, 25 is time to think about how your ass and your future husband gonna take care of your family . If your ass is still weak at age of 18 to 21 how your future is going to be . #Lmao crying after this nigga , crying after his dick . Leave that shit for them 15 years old out there. If a man wanna fuck bitches, disclaim your ass let it be and prepare what's better for you. If it's good for him nothing you going to do and say to him is going to change that. People are who they are when you can't change them you LEAVE them . Tiger is tiger ,cat is cat ;don't think a tiger can become a cat , don't confuse them. You need to start keeping that pussy to yourself , their is something they call masturbate , it's like you never heard about it or do it . Baby learn it ,live it,do it . Don't let no one play with what your family pay years of schooling to create , that brain of yours keep them close minded ass man out of it. Stop the fucking crying its getting old bitch you brought that shit on your ass let it happen until you ready to move on. Anyone who can't love you is in love with someone else. Anyone who play you will get play by someone else. Anyone who disclaim love will claim love one way or another. That's how life is if you want to be a stuck up bitch be it but don't throw away your education while you are one. by doing that you are throwing away my future too. Get over yourself , get your life busy and let this nigga do him for now your day will come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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