Chapter Four

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The morning sun filters through the high windows of the Great Hall as we make our way to breakfast. The chatter of students fills the air, and the enticing smell of bacon and eggs makes my stomach rumble in anticipation. Pandora walks beside me, looking more rested after a good night's sleep. Ella Jane joins us as we find a spot at the Slytherin table.

"Morning, Ella," I greet, smiling as we take our seats.

"Morning, Yn, Dora," Ella replies cheerfully. Her dark hair is neatly braided, and her eyes sparkle with excitement for the new school year. "Ready for another year?"

"As ready as we'll ever be," Pandora says with a small smile, helping herself to a piece of toast.

Breakfast is a lively affair. The tables are laden with all sorts of delicious food, and the hall buzzes with the energy of students catching up after the summer. I fill my plate, enjoying the easy conversation with my friends.

As we eat, the usual morning routine unfolds. The owls swoop in, delivering the daily mail and packages. I spot Lucius and Narcisa a few seats down, engrossed in conversation with his friends. Across the hall, the Gryffindors are as boisterous as ever, with the Marauders at the center of the noise.

"Here come the timetables," Ella says, nodding towards Professor Slughorn, who is making his way down the Slytherin table, distributing the schedules.

He reaches us and hands out the parchment. "Here you go, ladies. Another exciting year ahead," he says with a smile.

"Thanks, Professor," we chorus.

I unroll my timetable, scanning the list of classes. "Looks like we've got Potions with the Gryffindors first thing," I say, trying to hide my groan. Potions with the Gryffindors usually means more of the Marauders' antics.

Pandora glances at her timetable and sighs. "Defense Against the Dark Arts right after. At least we're with the Ravenclaws. And then I have divination with Ravencalw"

Ella smiles, nudging Pandora playfully. "That means you'll get to see Xenophilius."

Pandora's cheeks flush. "Ella!" she hisses, though there's a hint of a smile on her lips.

I smirk, shaking my head. "Honestly, you two. Let's just get through the first day, shall we?"

We finish our breakfast and gather our things, ready to face the day. The Great Hall slowly empties as students head to their first classes, the energy palpable. As we make our way to the dungeons for Potions, I fall into step with Dora and Ella.

"Another year, another set of challenges," I say, adjusting the strap of my bag.

"But we'll handle them," Ella replies confidently. "We always do."

We reach the Potions classroom and take our seats, ready for whatever the day—and the year—has in store for us. As the class fills up and Professor Slughorn begins his lecture, I glance around at my friends, feeling a sense of determination. Despite the uncertainties and the pressures, we have each other. And that makes all the difference.

The Potions classroom is cool and dimly lit, the shelves lined with an array of ingredients that give off a slightly musty scent. I take my usual seat beside Regulus, feeling the comfort of routine settle over me. Professor Slughorn is bustling about at the front of the room, preparing for the day's lesson.

"Ready for another year of Slughorn's favorites club?" I whisper to Regulus, smirking.

He chuckles, rolling his eyes. "Always. It's like a less exclusive version of the Black family gatherings."

We both laugh quietly, sharing the camaraderie that comes from being surrounded by high expectations and pureblood traditions. As Slughorn begins his lecture on advanced potion-making techniques, we exchange amused glances, our own private jokes making the class bearable.

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