Twin Pups (6,972)

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Pov Beta Jon-

"Alpha we finally cornered that black rogue near the northern territory but there is a problem."

"What kind of problem? Just end the rogue and move on. We don't have enough time to waste on such things-"

"Alpha just get over here. Before anymore warriors are injured."

"Is the rogue that dangerous Beta Jon? You can't even handle it?"


"Stay put and don't let them escape."

Yeah as if she would try to escape... I glance at the female. Her feral snarls echo loudly around us but not enough to hide the whimpers of pups hiding beneath her massive blacken body.

I stare into her deep blue eyes, blinding furry storming rampant in them. Swirls of sliver flicker steadily, I can't see a way to take her down and not hurt the children.

I chance a look, I flick my eyes downwards. I can barely make out the two small snouts sticking out near her back legs. Her dense coat nearly hiding them perfectly.

She snaps her muzzle loudly, pulling my attention back to her. She steps forward slightly, daring me to try and come closer.

Soon a few lower grumbles roll out between her snarling, and she slowly starts to back up. Keeping her rear against the rock cliff, trying to move closer to the forest. The range of vocals and sounds she uses is astounding, I am fairly certain she is signaling her pups.

My team moves in unison regardless, keeping her in the center. No matter what there are no gaps for her to rush for. Not if she plans on keeping the pups under her.

"Listen why don't you just give up? There is no way you can escape this situation." I take a step towards her, crossing my arms.

She lowers her head and fluffs her tail out, exposing her fangs in the process. A very deep and threatening growl rolled from her muzzle, so very feral.

Suddenly she launches herself sideways slaming against the wolves closet to the forest edge. I watch unable to move, as two white blurs sprint over her body. She watches as the two pups disappear before following them instantly.

Her body no longer needed to hold down the guards. Shaking my head of the shock, I shift and give chase once more. It doesn't take long before we catch up to her again.

Upon her back the two small children sit, their little hands gripping the black fur tightly. If they shifted back, it shouldn't be long before their mother shifts too.

Catching the scent of my Alpha closing in I back off her a bit, knowing I'd just be in his way.

Jackson slams into her body hard, sending the 3 rogues flying sideways. The pups hit the ground loudly, their form as wolves once more. They lay still on the ground a few feet behind the she wolf.

They lay unmoving and the scent of fresh blood reaches my nose. Though in this moment now, it isn't them that holds my attention. I thought this rogue was fierce already, but as she stands facing my Alpha I can't stop the terror flooding me.

Her eyes are glowing a pure silver, no trace of calmness present. She lunges for Jackson, snapping at him wildly. He jumps over her, avoiding the assault. He locks eyes with me then flicks his gaze to the children.

Understanding his silent order, I send the warriors to retrieve them while Jackson has her complete attention. It has been 30 minutes and the she wolf is still holding her ground evenly with my Alpha. It is insanity how powerful the rogue female is over all.

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