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The wind blew heavily, snow getting trapped in the leaves of pinewood trees high up in the mountains, swirling around and brushing against makeshift huts set up in every corner of the camp they could handle.

Voltaris shivered against one another, all huddled against the fire, a few having blankets covering their bodies to shield them from the harsh winds that overcame the camp during the storms. Parents pulled children closer, letting them use their bodies for warmth.

Sanari sat by the fire with her young daughter beside her, her shoulders covered by the blanket. Addy was different than most Voltaris who weren't born into the harsh winds of Northwind, she had a higher endurance to the constant snow and powerful wind that others did not possess so she often didn't have a blanket when it wasn't snowing, Sanari always made her go outside in the snow with at least her warm clothes on, Ingressus would never let her get hurt anyway.

"Mother, you're shivering." Addy said, glancing back at Sanari who looked down at her daughter as she brushed her fingers through her long brown hair, a rare thing in Ardoni, common in other species but a rarity in Ardoni. However her hair faded to pure white at the tips, unlike any other...

"I'm fine, just stay by the fire while I go find your father." Sanari said and stood up, wrapping the blanket tighter around her shoulders, Addy raised her eyebrows but obeyed and sat next to the fire, her hands resting on her lap as Sanari turned and started to look for her husband, wanting any excuse to walk around and get warmer without Addy following her.

She found Ingressus next to their tent, arranging weapons and spinning Voltar in his hand but when she walked up to him he stopped and glanced back at her, walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her shivering form.

"The fire is dying, we need more wood." She said softly and Ingressus sighed a bit before letting go of her and picking up a spear, leaning it against a tree to make sure it didn't rust then looking back at her.

"We're out of firewood, and I would prefer not to send anyone out to go cut down trees in such merciless weather." He said and walked into their tent, she followed him, finding instant relief when the snow no longer flew through her hair and hit her face, getting in her ears. She sat down on one of the beds and Ingressus paused then glanced back at her.

"You didn't leave her by the fire, did you?" he asked, clearly talking about their daughter and she sighed then nodded.

"She will be fine, you know she's used to these things." She tried to reason but Ingressus cut her off with a sharp and disappointing sigh before going out of the tent and running along the snow, making footprints in the snow, approaching the dying fire and pulling out his sword, activating it and re-lighting the fire.

A few Voltaris looked at him thankfully but Addy just looked up at him with an unreadable expression. She was confusing at times. Ingressus knew that she was pretty smart for her age, she didn't know school things but she caught onto people's physical motions and caught onto their emotions so quickly that she could tell something was wrong before anyone even told her.

"Come on, the weather's getting to bad, we need to go inside." He said and took her small hand in his, pulling her up gently and watching her wrap her tail around her leg and look up at him with a worried expression.

"Is something wrong? You're making that face again." She observed and Ingressus sighed, looking down at her and pursing his lips, shaking his head a bit before trying his best to smile at her, to give her some assurance that nothing was wrong. He knew that a war was coming, the clans would be after him and her knew it, he had to go ally with the nether tonight.

He exchanged a glance with the two Voltaris supposed to go with him and they nodded back to him then started cleaning their weapons, sharpening them. Addy's head immediately turned towards them before he gently guided her gaze back to him.

"Nothing sweetheart. Come with me. You must be cold." He said and put his hand on her back, gently guiding her to their tent. He opened the flap and Sanari immediately took her daughter into her arms while looking at Ingressus as he once again shut the flap, grabbing Voltar and walking back to the remaining group of Voltaris.

"Well," He said and turned his stern gaze on every Voltaris in the group. "Is everyone ready?"

The Voltaris exchanged a gaze with each other, a few weary and unsure, then looked back at him with the same expression. Ingressus felt his expression falter and he sighed, sheathing Voltar and resting his index and middle finger on his temple.

"We have to do this if we want them to leave us alone. I will save the Voltaris even if it means starting a war." He sighed and gritted his teeth as a Voltaris female looked up, her sword rested on her lap.

"Even if it means throwing your daughter in the war as well?" She asked, she was concerned for her own children who were currently being trained to fight in the potential war, and she did not want Ingressus to not throw his own children in danger if he was throwing others in danger.

He could sense her irritation and furrowed his eyebrows slightly and took a deep breath in, before nodding.

"I... cannot answer that question right now..." He sighed and Voltaris female tossed him a slight glare. "She is the future Master of our clan, I cannot just throw her in danger like that."

"But you will throw our children into the fights to die fighting a pointless war?" The female demanded and gripped her sword tighter.

"It's not pointless!" Ingressus yelled suddenly, causing all of the Voltaris to shirk back slightly before he calmed down and took a few deep breaths in, looking at all of the Voltaris before speaking again. "The other clans will come for us and we know it. We have to be prepared for their attacks. That is all I am saying. And I will... I will put her in the war should the time come. I'll save us..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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