Chapter 2

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* Five Months Earlier*

I was led into the meeting room where Hunter and several others sat.

"Nice to see you again, Gabriella. Have a seat and we'll get started," Hunter says. I sat down next to a tall, muscular man. His arm was covered in tattoos. Hunter begins sharing the plans to make me the newest member of their group.

"Gabriella, you'll be accompanying them to the ring for their matches, and maybe if you're comfortable with it, we can train you to take a few bumps here and there. Until then, I want you to get to know them, and them to get to know you. Your first segment as a team is on Raw tonight,"

He dismisses us, and we walk out to the hallway together.

"You can hang out with us in the locker room if you want," The only female says

"Sounds good. We need to get to know each other anyway,"

"I'm Rhea, That's Damian, Finn and Dominik," She says

"I'm Gabriella or Gabby, but you already knew that,"

"Which one do you prefer to be called?" Damian asks

"When we're being filmed, Gabriella. If we're just hanging out, you can call me Gabby,"

We spend the next few hours getting to know each other. I could immediately feel chemistry with them. Rhea was already becoming one of my best friends, but with the other three, I felt something more. All three of them were attractive in their own way.

"Judgement Day, you're on in 5," Someone says, knocking on the door.

"Are you ready, Gabby?" Damian asks

"As ready as I'm going to be. I'm nervous,"

"Don't be, you just have to stand there and look pretty,"

"Quit flirting with her Priest," Rhea says

"I wasn't,"

"Ever since we met Gabby you three have done nothing but flirt with her, and check her out,"

"No we haven't," the three of them say

Rhea shakes her head, "Let's get going before we're late,"

We walk down the hallway to where the interviews are held. Cathy introduces the group and we walk into the camera frame.

"Judgement Day, in recent weeks we've seen some cracks starting to form with the loss of your tag team titles. What's next for the Judgement Day?"

"There are no cracks in the Judgement Day. We are one cohesive unit. We're getting our titles back on Sunday at Elimination Chamber" Finn answers

"I'll make sure of it," I say.

We walk back to the locker room. Once inside, Damian hugs me tightly.

"You did amazing Gabby,"

"Priest, quit flirting with her," Rhea says again

"He's just being nice, it's okay Rhea," I say

"You're blind, all three of them have been flirting with you all day," she says

"Everyone here is way out of my league, Rhea. I'm no where near pretty enough to be flirted with,"

Damian, Finn and Dominik look at me

"That's not true, You're gorgeous, Gabby," Rhea says. The boys agree with her, but she glares at them.

"I'm going to head to catering, I'll see you guys later,"

I walk out of the locker room and follow the signs to catering. I grab a bottle of water and sit down at one of the tables.

I watch the rest of Raw while I sip on my water. Once the show had ended, I got into my rental car and drove to my hotel.

Once I parked the car, I walk inside to see Rhea, Finn, Dominik and Damian sitting in the lobby.

"Hey Gabby, we're going to hang out at the hotel bar, do you want to join us?" Rhea asks

"No thanks I'm going to get ready for bed. I'm exhausted."

I walked to the front counter to check in, only to find out that I didn't have a room which meant I'd be sleeping in my rental car.

I walked back outside and climbed into the backseat of my rental car. It was the middle of February and absolutely freezing outside.

I heard a knock on the window and quickly sat up. I opened the door to see Rhea and Damian standing outside.

"Why are you sleeping in the car" Rhea asks

"They didn't have a room for me. The hotel was overbooked,"

"You can stay in my room if you want," Damian says

"I don't want to intrude on your space,"

"It's not intruding if I invite you,"

"Are you sure,?"

He nods, "I don't mind,"

"Just be on your best behavior Priest," Rhea says.

I slowly get out of the car and get my suitcase out of the trunk. We walk inside and get into the elevator and ride up to the fourth floor.

Damian leads the way to his room and unlocks the door. I walk inside to see only one bed.

"There's only one bed Damian,"

"I know, you can have the bed, I'll sleep on the couch," he says

"I can sleep on the couch. You're not going to be comfortable on it,"

"Or if you want, we can both lay in the bed,"

My heart started to beat out of my chest. "Um yeah we can,"

"Only if you're comfortable with it,"

"Honestly I've never laid in the bed with a guy before,"


"I was always afraid they'd force me to do something that I didn't want to do or wasn't ready for,"

"I'd never do that,"

"Sorry, I don't know why I'm telling you that,"

"Don't be, you can tell me anything, Gabby. I'm here for you,"

"I'm going to get ready for bed, you can rejoin the others if you want,"

"Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"Yeah, I'm exhausted and ready to go to sleep,"

"I'll go back and join them. I'll try not to wake you up when I come back in."

He leaves the room and I walk into the bathroom to change into my pajamas. Once I had changed, I got into the bed and laid down. About an hour later I hear the door unlock and Damian walks in.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

I shake my head, "I couldn't sleep,"

"Why not?"

"I can't get warm,"

He takes off his shirt and lays down beside me. He wraps his arms around me and snuggles with me.

"Are you comfortable with this?" He asks after a few seconds

I nod, "You're warm,"

"If you start feeling uncomfortable let me know and I'll roll over,"

"Stay," I say quietly

"I'll stay like this as long as you want me to Gabby,"

I fell asleep in his arms, only waking up when he rolled over onto his back. I roll over and lay my head on his chest, falling back asleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

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