Chapter 1: Yeah, I Did It.

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The Heroes Academy was something I was born into. Unlike others who discovered their powers and were legally obligated to join, I was the daughter of the Dynamic Duo. Genetically, there was no doubt I'd have powers. Day 1, I trekked around with my mother and father as they went about their daily lives, working for and attending classes in the Academy. Harnessing their powers while I watched in wide-eyed innocence.

However, not all the time do two heroes get together and have children—sometimes a hero and a civilian, and an ordinary citizen with no superhuman capabilities, would have a kid together. Their chances of having a kid with superpowers were always 50-50.

Sometimes, two people with no super capabilities would get together, but someone with powers was forgotten somewhere in their genealogy. And the lucky kid would be entered into the Heroes Academy.

Unlike how heroes and superheroes were portrayed in the old movies, we don't have aliases like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Hulk, Ironman—you get the picture.

No, we took a less traditional approach. My callsign was Switch. Came to figure out it was because my emotions flipped like a light switch. I didn't like it, but it wasn't up to me anyway. Being born into it means abiding by the Academy's rules.

My generation of heroes was different than our parents' generation. While their bodies—our parents'—could only specialize in one type of power, we had the ability to juggle many.

Of course, that's a cause of complaint. As I made my way down the hall to my apartment (technically a dorm room but bigger), on the overhead speaker, I heard, "Azira. To Director Penn's office. Right. Now."

I knew exactly why they were calling me. She deserved it, though, in all fairness. Every time I told her to leave me alone, that I was stronger than her and didn't want to hurt her, she pulled me right back in.

So I "beat her up." I struck her with lightning first before trapping her wrapped up in what was once a metal trash can. I didn't kill her, though. I guess it's inherent that none of us have that desire. But I wanted her to learn a lesson she'd never forget—I think that's pretty heroic of me, no?

But as I entered Director Penn's office, I could tell he didn't share the same sentiment.

I sat across from him as he pinched the bridge of his nose. His office was quaint, not very show-offy, which is why I always liked him. He proved to stay humble and within his means. No flashy degrees, no photos of him with the people he's saved, you'd almost think he was a regular, everyday civilian.

That'd be far from the truth, though.

"I swear... it was easier to deal with you guys when you didn't understand how to harness multiple abilities," he grumbled.

"What was that?" I asked innocently.

"Azira, no, now is not the time to play dumb," he snapped, looking up at me with his intense tri-toned eyes. "Your actions alone today could result in your expulsion from the Academy. Is that what you want?"

I sighed dramatically and leaned back in my chair. The leather seat cushioned my butt and back as I held his gaze. "Lyla deserved it."

"How'd she deserve it?" he asked, appearing to try to keep calm with me. His face twitched, and his eyes held an unwavering intensity.

"I've told her not to mess with me countless times," I said firmly. "Actually, I've practically begged for her to leave me alone. That wasn't good enough for her. She needed a reaction—so she went for Cecily."

He leaned forward, sighing heavily, and clasped his hands together. "And what did she do to Cecily?"

"You know Lyla's powers are her kryptonite," I said coolly. "She used them on her to piss me off. And it worked."

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