Chapter 1: The beginning

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First of all... i apologize if its crappy.. I didnt edit too much so.. ya. Plus its short because i kinda wanted to end it here.. so yeah XDD

Well.. this fucking sucks."

Jake mumbled as he walked down the street, pistol in one hand and sack with supplies in other. He hauled it over his shoulder as he walked, still grumbling. "How the hell am i supposed to get this shit off my jacket. ".As the teen walked he heard a small girl yelling in the distance. "great." the boy sighed with a defeated look. "Welcome back Jakey!!!" she screamed, waving from far away her blond hair falling behind her. As Jake walked he noticed some of the undead bastards began coming out of the alleys "You Idiot!" he yelled back and broke into a sprint towards the open door, glaring at the person who was waving before shoving her inside and closing the door shut. Jake ran a hand through his hair "Why the hell would you yell when you know the damned things can hear really fucking well". As the boy talked the girl cowered more and more "I swear i didnt mean to i just.. wanted to greet you with a warm welcome big bro!" she chirped putting her arms open wide. Jake gave her a bored look before putting his hand on her face and her pushing out of the way.

As the girl flailed with debating words the teen clicked his tongue. "First of all don't call me big bro. Second you know I don't like giving hugs." Jake shoved the girl away as he walked over to a small desk, grabbing his pen and making more pathways on the main map. Asami pouted and sat on the ground in front of his desk, arms crossed she gave him her most intimidating look, growling as she sat there. The boy looked up at her "What are you doing?.. are you constipated or somethin?". Asami scowled more but Jake just gave her a bored look and went back to what he was doing. The girl sighed as she rolled on the ground. That failed. The small teen thought of another idea so she scrambled towards the back and threw a small box to hopefully get the boys attention. As the raven easily dodged the box he stuck his hand and threw something right back at the girl who stood there .. now pale as a sheet. She brought her hand to her ear to find light blood coming from it.

Jake smirked as he got up and pulled the knife from the wall, looking over his shoulder. "Don't try that again alright?" he said calmly causing the girl to get even paler than before. "Y-yes.". The raven walked back to his desk and the blond fell onto the couch still holding a hand to her ear and shaking. As the night progressed Asami fell asleep but the raven had stayed awake. "Damn this insomnia.." the boy mumbled as he worked. There was no sleeping tonight.


Stupid undead motherfuckers." She stated with a smirk as she stomped her heel into the creature's skull. The girl smiled at this, she was a huge fan of killing these idiots. The girl shot down the last few infront of the tall building. With her shotgun in hand she yawned and walked up stairs, moving her black hair away from her silver eyes. "Fuck this." Music mumbled and punched one of the zombies away from her door before walking in and locking it behind her. The girl plopped down on the bed and closed her eyes with a small sigh. She was slightly thankful , for she had been killing the creatures around her apartment almost all day. As she turned onto her back she stared at the ceiling then grabbed her shotgun and shot the ceiling above her.

It felt weird to be the last person on earth. All she needed was herself since.. it was all she had right?.. Music turned on her side and closed her eyes softly.


Jake jumped at the sound of the gunshots and blinked a few times trying to figure out if they were real.. or if he was just going insane.. As one more shot fired off Jake just closed his eyes with another sigh. After a second of thinking he glanced at Asami before getting up and throwing on his leather jacket. This could be an illusion in his head from being one of the last people on earth... it was worth a try to see if anyone else lived here though. Jake walked out of the warehouse, checking if his 'sister' was asleep one more time before leaving. As he left the building he sprinted towards where he thought the sound had came from. It didn't take him very long to get there and he began to search the whole apartment building. He doesn't know what.. but something made him stop at this place. As he searched the building he was losing hope. Room after room there was.. no one."Im an idiot for thinking this.." he thought as he got to the top floor. As he got to the top and girl stood in the hallway, gunshot pointed right pointed at him. "Ahh so your the fucker making all the noise. Undead bastards are so fucking annoying especially freshies like you.".

Jake gave an irritated look and pulled out his twin pistols. "Im a survivor like you dumbass.... Are you gonna come with me or not?". He wasn't one to beat around the bush, he got straight to the chase. "Unless you wanna die out here alone i recommend you come with me.. now put. the fucking gun. down.". Music wasn't about to listen to this person she just met, so she kept her gun cocked and ready. Jake gave an annoyed look before running at her and dodging the gun completely. He grabbed the girl and put her over his shoulder before continuing to walk. Music scowled as his and crossed her arms, if she shot him it would only be his leg but she would hit face first on the street below. She wasn't about to do that. As Jake ran back towards the warehouse he walked in and sat the girl in a chair. "Try to leave and i will personally hunt you down". He grabbed some food and water and placed it infront of her "Now eat.. do you know how light you are?.." he mumbled the last part so the girl couldn't hear and walked away towards the map.

Music glared harshly at the teen thinking to herself once more "I'm not gonna eat this shit..". As if reading her mind the male suddenly said "you don't have a choice to eat or not. You need that food and you know it-"Who the hell are you anyway ya asshole!?!?" she snapped. Asami snapped awake and Jake gave a slightly annoyed look but didn't answer, only causing Musics irritation to grow. "Did my kidnapper suddenly go mute?". The male immediately replied, copying her tone "Nope. he's just going deaf from all ur damn screeching".Asami just hid on the couch trying to stay out of the situation completely until they both cooled off.

Music growled at that and caught sight of a dagger sitting there next to her. As Jake turned his head away an idea popped into her head and she smirked devilishly. "kill him and run." were the four words in her head. She grabbed the dagger and threw it straight at his head. In the second it happened Jake had grabbed the dagger an inch before it hit his flesh, glaring darkly at the girl in the chair. Music glared right back just as dangerously and Asami cowered even more. Between the two ravens..

This. was. war.

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