lone wolf.

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mackenzie felt her body start to ache. she had been up for hours on end inside, watching movies, waiting for the moon to go down. she kept checking her phone, not expecting a text from anyone important, but was hoping to at least hear something from maddy about how things were going at home. the dark haired girl rolled over on her best friend, alessia's bed with a groan.

“les.” mackenzie whispered to the blonde, tapping her shoulder lightly.

“hm?” alessia picked her head up from her pillow, “why are you at the end of the bed?” she giggled at her.

“i was more comfy-”

“and it's four in the morning, why are you not sleeping?” mackenzie groaned and threw her head back once again, getting up this time and heading for the girl's bathroom. she pulled her phone out and dialed her sister.

“hey?” maddy said to the girl in a question tone from the other end of the line.

“hey, yeah, how are they doing?” she sighed.

“well, i just had to put mum back in the cellar and she stole my shoe.” the two girls let out a soft laugh.

“and you're still awake why?”

“i should be asking you the same thing. did you even ask to leave?” the brunette asked.

“i mean yeah obviously.”

“you didn't even bother did you?” maddy giggled at her.

“ill see you in a few hours, dickhead. get some sleep. love you.”

“love you too.” mackenzie hung up the phone and looked in the mirror. she just stood there a second looking at the blue strips in her hair, the piercings that covered her ears and the one stud in her nose. she didn't like the feeling of not having pain on her body, it made her not feel real. she wanted to be anywhere but in the surroundings of the full moon, with the only one other transformation, she hated it all. she hated the way her eyes were different in wolf form, she hated the color she was when she was a wolf. mackenzie hated the fact she was a wolfblood.

finally mackenzie walked back into the bedroom and saw alessia passed out on the side of the bed, her body soon laying down next to hers. she stayed up having tons of thoughts, and just weird feelings. like something was going to happen, but had no assurance it was true, or even going to happen.


mackenzie quietly closed the front door behind her, and whipped around to see her whole family in the kitchen.

“actually, your dads not the only one that's been eating things he shouldn't, is he?” emmas attention went from maddy to mackenzie as soon as she got through the door. “and where exactly have you been? were you not home all night?” mackenzie huffed at the woman, before she could say anything her father spoke up aswell.

“and you were still dressed when you came outside, young lady.” daniel told her, mackenzie sat on the couch, assuming she was going to get a lecture right after they were done with maddy.

“didnt we agree in bed at ten on school nights?” emma continued with the girl, until maddy started walking off.

“im going to miss the bus.” maddy excused and walked away from them, sending her sister a smile of relief. once they heard the front door close from maddy, the two parents attention turned to mackenzie.

“you have anything to explain?” emma gritted at her.

“well considering there's only one other place i go besides this prison, it shouldn't take a genius to figure it out. i was at alessias.” emma huffed at the teenagers words, “can i go get dressed now or...?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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