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TW: smut (i feel very DIRTY)

     VALERIE NEVER SAW Dean again.

She texted him, and tried to call him, but she never got an answer. Eventually, she just gave up and tried to accept the fact that they were done. It was hard, and it took her a while, but eventually, she did.

Her and Anthony weren't exactly dating, but they weren't exactly not dating either. It was...complicated.

Lila was still in Miami more than she was in New York, so she didn't come over often, meaning it was just the two of them 80% of the time. Oswaldo came over to hang out, and he definitely suspected that something was going on between them, but he never said anything.

Their lives had pretty much turned into working, hanging out with their friends sometimes, and spending the rest of the time with each other. They would cook, and watch movies, and sometimes they'd just sit and talk. And if he had a bad game (which happened fairly often), she'd fuck his brains out until he completely forgot about it.

They never talked about their feelings, or their relationship, or whatever the fuck this was. They both knew they had feelings for each other, but neither of them were willing to admit it, or say it out loud. So they didn't.


     IT WAS 2AM, and Val had been peacefully sleeping when she was awoken by the sound of the front door slamming shut. A wave of panic ran through her, and she was about to grab her phone when she remembered Anthony was due to get back late from a road trip.

She didn't bother getting up, just pulled the covers up, and laid her head back down and closed her eyes. She could hear him shuffling around, and a minute later, he was walking into her room. She felt the bed dip as he flopped down next to her.

"Wrong room," she muttered, her eyes still closed.

"Mine's too far away," he yawned, his face buried in the pillows.

She didn't answer, and reached over to try and shove him off the bed. He didn't budge, and instead grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him, trapping her by wrapping an arm tightly around her waist. She grumbled some not so nice things about him, but didn't fight it, and instead just relaxed against him.

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