Chapter Fifty-Two - Y/n

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"Come on. Let's go. You're taking forever," I tell Billie as she's trying to put all of her stuff in her bag again. 

"I'm sorry. I'm working on it,"

"Why would you even take everything out of your bag,"

"I didn't. Most of it fell out," she says, I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. "Slow down. Just because we get on the plane fast doesn't mean we're gonna get there faster," I glared at her and she shut up. We finally get to our seats and I sigh.

"Seven-hour flight. How amazing," I say sarcastically. She grabs my hand and kisses the back of my hand. 

"Everything is gonna be okay. We won't be getting on a plane for another twelve days. You'll be okay," she reassures me. I nod and smile.

"You're the best," she smiles. 

"I try,"


"The Bahamas was the best place to have a honeymoon. I can lay on the beach in the sun all day long," I say and Billie laughs. "I'm being serious. It's nice and relaxing,"

"You're right. It is relaxing," she agrees. 

"I never want to go home," 

"We'll you're gonna have to because even though it's nice here we can't stay here forever. We have stuff back home we need to do," she reminds me. I roll my eyes. "Have you given any more thought about that offer?" I sigh.

"I've been avoiding it. I really don't know if it's for me," I tell her.

"That's okay. If it's not for you then it's not for you. Don't force yourself to do something that you don't think you'll enjoy. Do something that you have a passion for. Something that will make you happy. Don't do something because you've been given the chance to have something. If you have to work for what you want, then work for it. I will be there for you through all of it no matter what," I smile.

"This cannot be real," she grabs my hand and smiles.

"Well, it is real. Do I need to pinch you so you don't think that this is a dream?" I laugh and she actually does pinch me.

"Ow! What the fuck?"

"It's real,"

"You didn't need to do that," 

"No, but it was funny though,"

"No, it wasn't," I hear my phone ringing and I grab it. I sigh. "It's my mom. Again," I answer. "Mom,"

"Don't give me that tone. I'm just calling to see how everything is,"

"Mom, you've called me the last three days that we've been here to ask how everything is," I remind her.

"Can a mother not ask how her firstborn daughter's honeymoon with her wife is? I just wanna know if it's good and if you're having a good time,"

"Trust me, Mom, I am having an amazing time," I tell her.

"Good. That's what I want to hear. I'm glad the people there are treating you well," they're not the only ones who are treating me well. I look at Billie and laugh a little. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Nothing," she sighs.

"Okay, I guess I'll leave you be,"

"Alright. I expect to see you calling me again tomorrow as well," I joke.

"Maybe I won't. You never know,"

"Mhm, sure, Mom. Bye I love you," I say and end the call.

"Calling to ask how the honeymoon is?" Billie asks. I nod.

"Yeah. She said she might not call tomorrow but I highly doubt that she won't. She'll probably be calling me from the moment that she wakes up," Billie laughs.

"At least she's calling you. My mom just sends me the occasional text,"

"Yeah, well, your mom is not all up in your business like mine is. I love her but man does she get on my nerves sometimes,"

"And you think you don't get on her nerves?"

"Oh, I know I do," I admit and laugh. 

"You wanna start heading back? We can order food and chill for the rest of the day," I nod and we gather all of our stuff and leave. 

She orders food and I change into comfortable clothes. After about thirty minutes, there's a knock at the door and Billie goes to answer it. She walks back into the room with our food. I smile as she hands my food to me and we eat. 

"I have a question," she starts. "Why did you think that you would never get married even though you imagined the wedding you wanted for so long?"

"I guess I just had plenty of bad relationships and I just figured that if I couldn't even date someone longer than a year then there was no chance of ever getting married. I still always imagined one though just in case it did happen one day. And it did," I tell her. She nods.

"Makes sense,"

"Why did you think that getting married was for dumb people?" 

"I don't know. Just something about it seemed stupid for such a long time. Like, you're able to date someone and have a relationship with them without getting married. You don't need a ring or the papers to prove that you love each other. It's more than that. It's the way you treat each other, how you talk to each other, staying loyal to one another. You don't need a big event to prove that you love each other," she explains. I look down.

"Then why would you ask me to marry you if that is what you believed?" I asked her, genuinely curious. She smiled and looked at me.

"You changed my perspective I guess," I smile. "I don't know what ever got me to believe what I thought before. I think it was just something I thought about as a teenager and I just kept believing it." 

"Well, I'm glad you changed your mind on it. Although, I wouldn't be mad if we were just dating the rest of our lives. As long as I'm with you I'm happy. I would've been fine with or without a ring as long as I could be with you," I tell her

"You make me so happy," I smile and kiss her.

"Who knew that simply going to a Billie Eilish concert would lead to all of this?"

"Crazy, isn't it?"

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