God Damnit...

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Typically, we'd see a silver haired frail guy dashing through the halls of these dungeons, instead, we have Laios Touden, a man, probably, who was both hungry and confused. all he had was his sword named Kensuke, his armor, and a sack containing the crumbs of what was his rations. Where he is, he doesn't know. But we the outsiders looking in, know he is on the fifth floor. His stomach grumbles angerly, like it was personally cussing out god over this lack of food.

Laios was right there with his stomach, wondering if he'll be able to find food at some point soon. as tempting as it would be to try and eat a random monster he has seen, he was taught better than that by his now missing companion, Senshi. Eating without knowing is like suicide in the dungeons, especially since you'll become an easy target if you have food poisoning. as he was walking aimlessly, hoping to run into his companions, he instead runs into a minotaur.  

"oh no." Laios yelled as he ran off in the opposite direction. he had hoped to run into other adventurers, or into an area that'd give him the edge in this fight. mainly since he wasn't at full strength. distracted with the thought of minotaur skewers, Laios ran himself directly into a corner, like someone who wasn't paying attention.

He knew he had messed up, but death's door isn't a good time for second guessing.

"come on! focus!" as much as he'd love to examine this new monster for every detail, he needed to not die. so, he did what he did best.

"WOOF! WOOF WOOF! BARK!" he pulled out his trump card, dog impersonation. he had hoped to intimidate the Minotaur, and before this plan could be proven stupid or genius, the Minotaur was stabbed in the left arm. a long, bloody slash from the wrist to the back of the shoulder blade. then, the armored woman dug her sword into the Minotaur's lower stomach, and slashed upward, separated it's left shoulder from it's body, ultimately killing it.

"Are you alright?" she asked as Laios couldn't help but look between her and the crystal that fell where the Minotaur's body should be. before he could respond, his stomach did with a loud rumble.

(alright, i'mma call it there for the first chapter. still warming back up to fanfiction writing. feel free to let me know what you think, what you think should happen next, and if the characters seem in character. Toddles fuckers.)

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