eye contact

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life after the practice match between the inarizaki girls and boys volleyball teams was pretty peaceful. y/n stopped avoiding her cousins and started hanging out with them more during their breaks. part of the reason why was because suna rintarou hung out with them too... but they didn't need to know that!

y/n walked through the inarizaki halls leisurely, dodging people with no spatial awareness whatsoever and subtly rolling her eyes at them. it was one of her biggest pet peeves.

anyway, she let out a sigh of relief as she finally reached the cafeteria. the last time she could remember eating there was her first day as a first year student. after that, she preferred eating in her class.

just like atsumu, she had her fair share of fan boys who unfortunately weren't as nice as the girls. in the sense that, they didn't bake y/n cookies or write her love letters. all they did was beg her to date them.

jokes on them, they lost to suna rintarou.

speaking of the devil, y/n spotted the middle blocker in the corner of her eye, lazily waving her over to their table with his hand.

"hey, guys! sorry, i got a little held up in the hallways, the first years have been coming to me for advice because apparently i'm more approachable than our captain." the girl explained.

she took a glance over at suna to see he was already looking at her. feeling the heat travel to her face, y/n quickly stood up and excused herself to go wash her hands, not wanting to be caught red-faced instead of red-handed.

it had been almost a week of eating lunch with the inarizaki volleyball boys and y/n still couldn't last a second of eye contact with suna. she feared it was starting to get suspicious.

 she feared it was starting to get suspicious

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suddenly, y/n felt like sneezing. was someone talking about her? osamu has been looking pretty observant lately. the girl shook her head to rid herself of her overthinking.

remembering that she left her bento at the table, where osamu or atsumu could easily snatch it, y/n started walking towards it. only to see suna seemingly guarding her bento as the twins relentlessly tried to swipe at it.

after a close brush against the bento was dealt by atsumu, y/n decided to intervene by slapping him upside the head like the good older cousin she was.

"ow! what was that for?" tsumu whined, looking up to see the owner of the bento looking pretty pissed. y/n wasn't actually pissed for real, she had some extra allowance in her wallet, she wouldn't starve if they took her bento. she just loved scaring tsumu despite their six-month age difference.

"hey, cuz, didn't see ya there!" he said, going for a sheepish tone. y/n raised an eyebrow and lifted her hand almost as if she were going in with another hit which made tsumu flinch lightly but instead she pulled out the chair in between suna and atsumu's seats and sat down.

"pft, you really thought i'd hit you again?" y/n snickered as atsumu glared at her childish antics, even though he had them too.

author's notes:
filler chapter kinda

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