⚬ Chapter 8: Spark ⚬

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"Sinners pride their sins. They dug a well for endless gin."

"There's no use in staying here now, we need to go out." Hyunjin spoke, peeping through the small gap as he looked for any signs of the monster. Thankfully, there was none, the coast was clear. Closing the door again quietly, Hyunjin leaned back, looking at the two people in front of him as one of them seemed to be in a daze.

"Ryujin! Did you even listen to what I said?" He asked, looking at Ryujin who seemed to be staring at Beomgyu mindlessly.

"Y-Yeah. I did." She lied. She clearly didn't.

"Then tell me what I just said." Hyunjin smirked, crossing his arms as he stared back at Ryujin.

"Uhh...we will go out now?" She said, her expression showing confusion and that she was unsure. Hyunjin scoffed.

"Stop zoning out. Beomgyu, give me that." He gestured for Beomgyu to hand him the makeshift weapon he made, as he tested it out, making sure it is sturdy. Surprisingly, the tape held on strong, and it was a good-enough weapon to use.

"Wow, this is more sturdy than I expected." Beomgyu smiled at Hyunjin's statement. Ryujin on the other hand was looking out the window again, thoughts running around her head. The girl turned around, seeing both of them ready.

Her eyes suddenly caught sight of a small drop of blood dripping down Hyunjin's nose, snickering at the sight. "Hyunjin, your nose..." She pointed out. Beomgyu glanced back at Hyunjin, seeing him wipe off the blood with the sleeve of his jacket.

"Did you get hurt?" Beomgyu asked, implying his nosebleed. Hyunjin shook his head, as Ryujin came forward.

"So, shall we go now?" She asked. Both Beomgyu and Hyunjin nodded. As Hyunjin moved his head, another drop of blood dripped down his nose, making both Beomgyu and Ryujin look back at him in concern.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Beomgyu asked again, while Hyunjin nodded at his question. Ryujin opened the door, as Hyunjin continuously kept wiping his nose, slowly trailing behind them both so they wouldn't see him.

"Let's go guys, but don't be too loud." Ryujin said, with a warning glare at the both. Hyunjin kept his head low, which Ryujin didn't think of as much.

The three of them walked through the hallway, each step taken with caution. Beomgyu held the weapon in his hand tightly, prepared for any surprise attacks. Ryujin on the other hand, didn't find any weapon, so she was prepared to use her fist.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin was a different story. His head throbbed, as he felt sleepy. He kept wiping the blood from his sleeve. They were climbing down the stairs on the 16th floor as Ryujin saw the red marks left on the floor.

'Chaeyoung, please be okay...'

Ryujin felt her cheeks heat up, walking beside Beomgyu. Unknowingly, a small smile came to her lips, even though it soon faded. Her heart somehow quickened its pace for many reasons, but one of them was Beomgyu. The back of their hands touched. It was just a little bit, but it somehow made tingles run though her body. Beomgyu on the other hand, carried on like nothing happened, as he stepped away a little, thinking it might be uncomfortable for Ryujin.

Hyunjin slowed down his pace, letting Ryujin and Beomgyu go ahead of him, as he covered his nose. It only got worse, as he started feeling dizzy, the blood didn't stop dripping. It was bleeding more than before. The boy tried to be as unnoticed as possible, because he didn't want to worry Ryujin. The two of them only kept their eyes on the road ahead, as he was holding onto the bars on the stairs because of dizziness. And evenever they shot him glances, he would compose himself again.


Beomgyu whispered, hearing some distant noises as they were on the 15th floor.

Ryujin and Hyunjin both halted, as Ryujin picked up on what Beomgyu meant.

A monster was near.

Ryujin put a finger on her lips, exchanging glances with the three of them as they nodded in agreement. They stepped down slowly, because going up will only result in danger. The air was thick, their heartbeats were loud. The growls grew louder, until they could spot the monster ascending up the stairs and closer to them.

Hyunjin tried his best to overlook the things he was experiencing, but it was tough to do so. Yet, he kept on staying strong, as the monster was scarily close to where they were.

"Can't...see..." The monster hissed, as it spoke in a shrill voice. Beomgyu caught what it said, so did Ryujin and Hyunjin. A bad feeling lingered in Ryujin's mind, as she felt her stomach churn. Seeing how Hyunjin was acting very abnormal all of a sudden wasn't something good. His nose isn't bleeding anymore, but he seemed to be uncomfortable in some way she couldn't understand.

Ryujin covered her mouth, realising she was breathing too loudly. The Monster was coming closer slowly, its ears moving on their own. But it had no eyes. Half of its head was cut off. Which meant it cannot see. That's why it was muttering over and over. Beomgyu stepped back as he came next to Hyunjin, holding out his arm as they both stepped to the side, trying to be unnoticed by the monster. Beomgyu could sense Hyunjin was having trouble, so he held out his arm straight, putting Hyunjin behind him.

Were they afraid? Definitely.

Did their fear matter? Absolutely not.

The three of them stepped to the side, slowly going the opposite direction as the monster. It walked past them, as they tried to be as stealthy as possible.

They were going downstairs, but the monster was still close enough o pick up any sound.

Everything was going good, until let out a grunt, his vision suddenly blurring.

That was the wrong move, and the monster's arm suddenly extended, hitting the wall just above Hyunjin's head. That's how dangerous it was. Now that the monster knew someone was there, it turned around, going towards Beomgyu and Hyun. Beomgyu immediately pulled Hyunjin. Ryujin quickly held his hand, as they started running down the stairs.

"Guys, go." Hyunjin said quietly as they kept running. He was only putting them in danger. Beomgyu put his arm around Hyunjin's shoulder as he helped him run down the stairs.

Thankfully, the monster was slow, and it lost them. So they stopped for a bit, as Beomgyu let go of Hyunjin, giving him a pat on his back. Ryujin quickly enveloped him in a hug, Hyunjin still in a slight daze.

"Don't scare me, Hyunjin." She said. At the corner of his eyes, Beomgyu saw the monster catching up to them, and it seemed like it heard them.

They quickly sprinted downstairs together, as fast as they could, saying nothing. Its elongated hard hand was the thing that scared them the most, as it roamed mindlessly around the staircase. They tried to escape, reaching the 5th floor quickly. The monster was still on their trail.

"Quick! Get in!" Ryujin opened the door, as they both got in, closing the staircase door as they reached the ground floor.

Sweat rolled off Beomgyu's forehead as he caught his breath, his hand resting on his knees. He looked in front of him, seeing the people gathered there, including the girl he saw previously.

Ryujin thought they were finally safe, until something caught her attention.

"Where's Hyunjin?"

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