To Truly Love and to be Loved

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Love is a peculiar emotion.

To do what you love will bring you joy,

Yet to do what you love may leave you stranded on the streets.

To listen to the emotion may result in the greatest moment of you life,

Yet to listen to the emotion may result in the worst.

But to love someone?

What does it mean to love someone?

To love someone means you will do anything for them,

Yet to love someone means you must not do everything they ask.

To love someone means you would throw yourself away for them,

Yet to love someone means you cannot disregard yourself.

To love someone means to stay by their side no matter what,

Yet to love someone means at one point you must leave.

To love someone means to keep them with you,

Yet to love someone means you must let them go.

To love someone means wanting to burn the world for them,

Yet to love someone means to watch as they burn for the world.

To love someone means to become the happiest person in the world,

Yet to love someone means to drown in despair when they die.

Then to be loved?

What does it mean to be loved?

To be loved means that they will go to any lengths for you,

Yet to be loved means that it may harm them.

To be loved means that they will be with you every step of the way,

Yet to be loved means you watch as they leave themselves behind for you.

To be loved means you will know them like no one else does,

Yet to be loved means you must watch as they hide behind a mask for others.

To be loved is to be the greatest joy in their lives,

Yet to be loved is to be the greatest sorrow when you leave.

To love and to be loved is to realize that you were made for each other,

Yet to love and to be loved is to realize you were destined to be torn apart.

Yet to love-?

Is human.

For love is the most purest of all.

For love will make it past any obstacle thrown it's way.

For love will never die.

Love is the most beautiful blessing of all,

Yet love is the most twisted curse of all.

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