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"Ten, nine, [...] three, two, one, ready or not, here I come!" Yelled the seven-year-old girl, as she pulled away from the oak tree and ran to go find her friends.

"Shh Victor! She'll find us if you don't keep quiet!" Half whispered and half yelled eight-year-old boy, Luis Tucker, at his best friend as they hid under the blue 2002 dodge truck.

"She won't find us here so don't worry," grinned the cheesy seven-year-old boy whose name was Victor Gutierrez.

As the seven-year-old girl was still in search for her friends, she felt someone grab her arm and pull her into a hug, "Raine!"

"Yuck! Boy coodies!" Teased Raine as she pulled herself away from the boy while giggling at her statement.

"Hey! That's not nice, I don't have any cooties, you do!" The boy frowned as he playfully punched Raine's shoulder.

"You know I'm only kidding Jace," she said hugging him as she continued, "I'm going to miss you when you leave for Italy. Promise me you won't forget about us?" She frowned as she stared at the ground moving her feet side to side.

Eight-year-old, Jace, gave a huge smile as he told Raine that he'll miss her as well. To him, Raine wasn't just another girl who he became friends with, something about her made him want to act like himself other than try to be someone he wasn't. Raine was the one who introduced him to the others when he had first moved here, so he wanted to make sure he'd say bye to her first.

Raine's eyes grew wide when she realized she hadn't gone to look for her friends, she was going to be in big trouble once they figured out, she didn't. Jace looked at her with a questioning expression on to what was wrong, but soon he found out why.

"Raine, why didn't you go look for us?" Asked Jane Kee, as she walked up to both Raine and Jace.

"I-I'm sorry, I may have kind of forgotten about looking for you guys..." She looked down at the ground feeling ashamed for not even attempting to go look for them. Jace then stood in front of her and crossed his arms over his chest acting as if he was her protector.

"Don't talk to her like that, it wasn't even her fault." He said as he tried to defend her from their nasty and hurtful words that would usually make her cry.

Victor looked at Jace confused and pouted, "but we were playing hide-n-seek before you even showed up, I don't like the fact that you keep trying to take my friend away." He emphasized my as if Raine had belonged to him.

There was a bit of tension in the air between Victor and Jace. Jane and Luis knew they both had a slight crush on Raine but soon after Victor had heard the news that Jace was leaving, he would be able to have Raine back.

Raine had wavy brunette hair that was up to her waist, it was tied in a half ponytail with a neon pink bow to go as an accessary. She wore a light pink dress that was down to her knees, but due to her rolling on the ground and playing around in the dirt with her friends, it had a few stains on it. Her white dress shoes were the ones she didn't want to dirty, even though she was in mud and other mysterious liquids, she tried her best to watch out and not dirty them. She always wore a necklace around her neck that had the first letter of her name including a little raindrop attached to it. It was given to her as a gift by Jace on her 7th birthday, which she cherished dearly.

Jane had light blonde hair that could have been mistaken for white, fell down just right above her shoulders. She had a braid on the left side of her head that went all the way to the back, it was being held in place by a purple flower. Though she had been running around all afternoon with her friends, it still had managed to stay on. She wore a purple shirt that read 'Smart like a cookie!' followed by a white pair of shorts that had no pockets on the side but did on the back. She had a pair of white sandals on that were slip on, which she happened to love that about them. To Jane, style always came first no matter what, as well has having the right accessories to company it.

The five friends were continuing to play around until Jace's mother called him to come get in the car. It was time for him to leave to the airport.

Raine looked up with the saddest expression on her face as she held on the back on Jace's shirt while facing down to the ground. Jace turned around and saw how sad Raine had looked, he didn't want to leave knowing he was the cause of her pain. He pulled her into a hug and gave her a heartwarming smile.

"Raine, it'll be okay, I'll come back soon. I promise," he pulled away from the hug as he gently placed a kiss on her cheek indicating nothing but a friendship.

Jace brought himself to walk away from his group of friends, he knew why he had to leave and in time, he would be able to see her again. She wouldn't understand it right now but once he meets her again, she would. At least that's what he hoped for. As he was about to get in vehicle, he felt as if he was betraying her, leaving her alone with no one to help her when she felt lost or confused.

Once Jace was inside with his seatbelt on, the vehicle slowly began to drive away. He couldn't stop himself from turning his body slightly to the left to get a better view of his friends. When he no longer was able to see their bodies out the window, he sat back down correctly and looked down at his hands.

I promise I will come back, Raine, he said to himself as he continued to stare at his hands.

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