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Owen's POV

It's been a year since the polar bear attack. I'm glad me and George saved Nanuq, but I sometimes I wonder what would happen if I didn't. I ran my hand through my blonde hair and got out of bed. There was supposed to be a new girl in school, which was pretty rare because we live in the middle of nowhere. When I finished getting ready, I walked downstairs to grab my backpack and and an apple.
I turned around and flashed a smile.
"Big ice hole 😏"
I darted off to school laughing as my mom shut the door behind her.
     At school, I met up with George and gave him a fist bump.
"The Mac and cheese is back!" George laughed and we walked into the classroom. There was lively chatter while the teacher set up the lesson. Me and George sat down and talked about who the new girl could be. I mean, who would choose to move here?
The teacher rang a bell, and we all ended our conversations and turned to the door. The new girl was here!
She walked in and everyone fell silent. She was really pretty! I'm not romantically attracted to people easily, so the attraction I felt was more in a platonic  way. George slipped me a note, and I picked it up: Dude, shes so pretty! I think I might ask her out!
I chuckled to myself and turned to him with a thumbs up. I wrote a note and passed it back to him:
I'm planning on maybe becoming her friend! I'll be your wingman, just give me a week and she'll be head over heels for you!
George smiled and tucked the note into his desk as the new girl—Y/N—sat down next to me. I turned to her and flashed a smile. "Hey! I'm Owen, and this is George," I said, gesturing to George. He turned and had a stupid smirk on his face. I could tell he was nervous, so I turned back to Y/N. "Wanna sit with us at lunch?" Y/N'a face lit up and she smiled.
"Yeah, sure!! I'll see you there!" The teacher started the lesson, and we all turned to her. I slightly turned to George, and he still had that dumb smile on his face. I chuckled to myself. He really seemed smitten!
     At lunch, I sat down with George as Y/N was getting her food.
"Dude, just chill out! She'll like you just fine!" I said, trying to reassure George. He was about to say something, but Y/N sat down next to him just as he opened his mouth. I thought this was the perfect moment to leave.
"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back!" I got up and casually walked towards the restrooms and flashed George a smile, wink, and a thumbs up. He smiled slightly and turned back to Y/N.
Obviously I wasn't going to the bathroom, I've gotta spy on that ice hole to make sure he doesn't say anything dumb!

     George's POV:

I can't believe Owen left me alone with Y/N! That dumb ice hole is gonna get it when school gets out. Talking to this girl is scarier than facing off Nanuq in that polar bear trap!
"So, where were you before moving here?"
"I lived in Montréal, but my parents wanted to move here to 'reconnect with their roots' or whatever." She laughed and I nervously chuckled with her. Even her laugh was pretty!! I decided right then and there I would ask her out. Well, not "ask her out," per say, more like "ask to hang out!" Then we could build a relationship from there. Listen, i may like her, but I'm not some crazy person who asks someone out the moment I talk to them. I ran my hand through my hair before taking a silent breath.
"Hey, Y/N?"
"What's up?"
"Would you maybe want to hang out after school? We could...get some ice cream?"
Y/N smiled and nodded. "Sure! I'd like to get to know you more!"
I saw Owen come out from behind the lunch counter before running up to us.
"Hey, guys! Hope I wasn't too long!" Y/N smiled at me and turned back to Owen.
"Nope! All good."
I saw Owen wink at me then turn back to Y/N, striking up a conversation. My mission was accomplished.


🦕A/N: Wow, thanks for 30 reads!! Let me know if you want to see a dating perspective of George in a chapter (Also, if you didn't understand and references in this chapter ex: ice hole, Nanuq, I suggest you read Two Degrees! It's really good)🦕

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