.. So, there's no more PMs.
Let me guess, you're looking for a new place to call 'Home'?
Well, welcome home.
This can be a place for I guess, your darkest shenanigans IF you respect uhm, whatever the last chapter is; I don't exactly remember, but I think it has some boarders. I don't know if I should create individual chapters for things, but I guess I'll make a few like.. Situations?
Also, fair warning, If it comes down to some seggy stuff; I like, suck, because it's been a while.
Okay I don't 'Suck,' I suck at topping. There, you happy? You all got the confession you've been fiening for.
a like RP book, but its' also rants.
FanfictionSo, PMs are gone. We need a place to confine, and do little things. Thats' here. This is 'Home', now. Either way; This is filled with my rants, and with random roleplay things.