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Miya's pov

I woke up it was already four in the morning and today I had a mission, Great I almost forgot about that well the girls wakes up at five so I thought of hitting the gym till then after half an hour I went back to my room to take a quick shower then I thought of making the breakfast which was kinda hard as my knuckles where bleeding but I still did it

After few minutes the girls woke up I told them to take a shower and then come back till then I called 4 minute and twice and told them the mission was around ten A. M and to be ready
After few seconds the girls came back

Third person's pov

Lisa- you made it
Lisa-then who?
Miya-My ghost (sarcastic)
Lisa-Really? (Done face)
Jisoo-Well why is your hand bleeding
Miya-Well.. I was in the gym an-
Jisoo-Without gloves?
Miya- cause I had a missio-
Miya- (sight) yes
Jisoo- Use gloves next time you are literally bleeding you could have woken me up
Miya- but I wanted to make this for you
Rose-And not for us (pouts)
Miya-Yes for you too
Jennie-ok now are we supposed to eat or not
Lisa-This is actually pretty good
Miya-Well it is made by me
Lisa-(rolls eyes)
Miya-I should leave now
Jennie-ok.. Wait it is seven in the morning
Miya-Well I have to meet the NeW ReCrUiT
Miya-I am going to come back after getting ready
(She said as she went into her room)

Her outfit-

Miya's pov

now I just have to take her no from 4minute did I gave you there introduction? Well they are also agents but they work together they are like a team as I was going outside I felt like I forgot something.. Wait I forgot to tell jisoo to feed cookie, and my puppy chocolate

Rose-You came back so early
Miya-No I just forgot to tell you guys to feed cookie and chocolate
Lisa-How could we forget that they are sooooo cute
Jennie-She is right
Miya-Yah but still
Jisoo-We will take care
Asa-(entering) Hi
Miya-When do you came
Asa-just now
Miya- Where are the rest of the girls?
Asa-Only me and ruka came for now rest of them are in Australia for a mission
Miya-So now I am already late so it's time to go byeeee

Miya's pov

Then I took of in my bike

Her bike-

She told me the number ********** was the number, I dialled it and after hundreds of tries she finally picked up the freaking phone

Miya-Where in the world are you
June- My voice literally justify that I was sleeping (sarcastic)
Miya-(Rolls eyes) whatever, I want you in the training room of the headquarter in 20 minutes
June-but that's to early
Miya-Thats not my fault,
June-ThAts nOt mY fAuLt (mumbles)

Miya-I heard that, (cold)

June's pov

I still wonder who that girl was and how  did she knew about the headquarter , I acted dum but her aura is kinda scary I should stay away, I should not be worried that much but today I have to meet the 1st rank agent people say she is scary so I am also kind of scared as I am going to be her assistant fir this mission what if this girl was the no.. No I am just over thinking.... Right

Word count-608

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