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Two year old Yoongi is sleeping hoping he can stay home from school soon Taehyung comes in the room and sees that Yoongi is still in bed " baby it's time to wake up" Taehyung said as he took the blankets off of Yoongi " dada sleep" Yoongi said " no baby come on" Taehyung said " don't feel good" Yoongi cried so Taehyung grabs Yoongi's Winnie the Pooh blanket and puts it on Yoongi " we are going to the doctors" Taehyung said so he goes downstairs where the members are " I'm taking Yoongi to the doctors he doesn't feel good" Taehyung said to the members " let us know what happens" Seokjin said so Taehyung goes to the car and Taehyung puts Yoongi in his car seat the front of Yoongi's car seat is facing the seat that the car seat is on and Taehyung buckles in the car seat then Taehyung gets in the driver seat and starts driving " no doctor" Yoongi screamed " it's will be alright Yoongi I will be with you sweetie" Taehyung said soon Yoongi was going to say that he was faking it but he then starts to feel sick for real but Yoongi starts a tantrum " no doctor" Yoongi screamed soon they are in the parking lot of the doctors office and Taehyung gets out of the driver seat and goes over to Yoongi's side of the car and he gets Yoongi out of the car seat and Taehyung unbuckles Yoongi from the car seat " dada home" Yoongi said when Taehyung picks up Yoongi " shh it won't be long" and when Taehyung puts Yoongi down so he can get the stroller and Yoongi's blanket and when he gets the stroller Yoongi throws up and Taehyung wipes Yoongi's mouth with a baby wipe when Yoongi is done then he puts Yoongi in the stroller and the stroller that Taehyung has is one that has the seat facing him so Yoongi can see him and Taehyung buckles Yoongi in the stroller then he puts the Yoongi's Winnie the Pooh blanket on Yoongi and the Taehyung goes into the building " dada dada" Yoongi cried while reaching out towards Taehyung " shh you're ok" Taehyung said then Taehyung goes to the counter and tell the guy at the desk that Yoongi needs to be seen by a doctor and once Yoongi is checked in Taehyung pushes the stroller over to the chairs and wait to be called Taehyung looks at Yoongi to see that the two year old is still trying to get to Taehyung soon Yoongi's name get called

For A2013_ot7  I hope you like it

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