im gonna die/commit suicide some day,this worlds is becoming worse

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The title explains it all

I'm not waking up everyday knowing I could lose someone I love.

I'm just too emotional bcz I know people have it worse but still can't not feel hurt after the smallest things

My parents(mainly my father) and some of my class joke about suicide like it's a joke

People can't keep any secrets that I tell them,they'll eventually go out to many people

My rant about this world ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

(If I missed anything/made a mistake pls tell me.!My opinions!)

I swear some people should just look in the mirror and wonder to themselves what the actual fuck their doing with their lives and change their whole fucking lives because their disgusting people who are disappointments to this world and probably deserve to burn in hell:this is DEFINITELY aimed at all these:
abusers,rapists,murderers,cannibals(if their doing it for fun/not out of survival or to survive),pedophiles.

People who can't shut their mouths from spilling secrets,especially private ones without the person telling them they can tell someone/some people should tape their mouths shut until they realize how much that can ruin a persons life to the point they might have move country or continent or isolate themselves from others.

People who can't show respect to others but expect others to show them respect should look into a mirror and slap themselves because their being idiotic,I don't care if they know their not showing respect or not,either way,they can't expect respect from people THEY can't respect themselves.

People who make fun of serious things like: suicide,SA,pedophilia,racism(slavery),
World wars and death(ect.) They should look at themselves and I'll be brutally honest,look at themselves as a disappointment,because what the fuck are you doing with your life you make jokes like that?It's disrespectful and disgusting,your a disappointment in your parents,aunts,uncles and everyones mind.Any racism is horrible and I can't believe some people think black people can't possibly be racist,because they can.White people can be racist to black people.Black people can be racist to white people,just because there isn't a word that black people can call white people doesn't mean black people can't be racist.

People who bully others for being poor/how much money they have,having no/barely any family,how they look/their voice/body,age shaming and people who bully for no reason at all.Again,I'll be brutally honest,your insecure yourself,infact are you that insecure yourself you have to blame it someone else? Even if you are ignored by your parents at home or something,that's no excuse,fix your problems because all your doing is making someone else's life worse to the point they would think about suicide or even worse,do it,because of that person.

Story time that happened to me(U can skip):

I was online once in a game and this creep,who was 42 btw,asked me for boob pics and asked how big they are,like,what the fuck?

Pt.2 soon

Love you all 🫶

Bless you 🫶

Hope u have an amazing life 🫶

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