Part 1

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The palace was a boring as ever that day, fulfilling requests, answering question, the usual mindless tasks the young pharaoh would attend to everyday. Today was no different, the hot palace smelled of sand and sweat from all the daily commotion.
While sitting at his throne mindlessly gazing off into the distance, Atem's High Priest Seth slammed the tall doors open as he rushed into the throne room. All conversing stoped in the throne room, the loudest thing was the wind whipping outside.

Seth cleared his throat. "My Pharaoh, I've done it." He spoke, his voice echoing through the silent crowd.

"And what is it you've done exactly?" Atems voice traveling down from his high throne to where Seth stood.

"I have found a way for you to view him." The whispers erupted throughout the chamber as every guard, servant, and peasant wanted to know what exactly the two were talking about.

"Are you certain it works?" Hope dripping from his voice like honey.

"I am."

"Then let us go see." He rouse up from his throne and walked down the steps towards where Seth stood, his long blue cape draping the steps behind him as he walked urgently out of the throne room with the high priest.
Once they heard the loud clang of the wooden doors closing they quickly rounded the corner.

"Does it actually work Seth?" Atem's voice now holding the same tone of that of a teenage girl fan hurling over her favorite band.

"I'm sure Atem, we'll get to see them again." Seth smiled brightly. The two teenage boys, giddy as ever made their way to Seth's study in the west wing of the palace.
Soon, they finally arrived in Seths study after getting many strange glances from people passing by, Seth uncovered a scroll. "Here it is!" He spoke as he pushed books and maps off of his wooden desk to lay down the scroll.

"It's a piece of paper Seth." Atem sighed sadly, rolling his eyes.

"Not just any piece of paper, this scroll will be our window into their world."

"Explain." Seth took a nearby candle and passed it over the scroll. "What are you doing! You'll burn our only way of seeing them..!" Atem panicked.

"Just trust me for once little cousin." Seth shook his head smiling softly as he pulled the scroll away and laid the it down on the desk. Atem peered over to look at the once blank paper. Now the paper revealed writings on it.

"What's it say?" Atem asked as he glanced at the paper.

"Can the pharaoh not read?" Seth joked.

"I don't know how to read the fancy ass lettering!" He hissed back.

"It says that all we need is Nile River Water, something to remind us of who we're trying to see, pour the water in circle on the paper, put the thing in the middle and just wait." Seth read off the paper.

"Sounds easy enough let's do it."

"Too easy..."

"Seth, dear cousin are you questioning the way of the gods?" He spoke with a smirk.

"What- no I- it's just- damn you Atem." He sighed giving up and giving in.

The next few days the two spent preparing to sneak out of the palace to collect the materials needed without being noticed or questioned.
They went as far as making their own disguises, they weren't the best, but they worked.

Atem tied an old rag over his hair to keep it unnoticed. They both borrowed clothes from some of the kitchen staff, and paid two maids to standby their bedrooms in case someone when to find them. They had taken every measure possible to ensure they would get the supplies they needed.

The next morning, Seth awoke to the bright sun seeping through his windows and the hot air already crawling into the palace. He quickly collected his disguise and stuffed it inside the satchel he would be using to hold what they needed for the spell.
As he crept out of his room he signaled to the maid that he was ready for her to stand guard by his room. She nodded in response and took her post. Seth quickly made his way towards the center wing of the palace, where Atems Chambers were.

He quickly knocked on Atems door, before a very clearly just woken up Atem opened the door. "helLO?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"Is this seriously how the great pharaoh of Egypt awakens every morning?" Seth teased

"Ya fuckin know it." He clicked his tongue and let Seth inside his room. "Sooo What brings you to my room at this unholy hour?"

"Atem. The plan."

"What plan?"

"To be able to see our other halves? You know with the window?"

"Other- OH!" He chuckled. "Well why didn't you remind me? I'll go get changed."

"This is the idiot they have in charge of a whole country?" Seth smirked

"I heard that!"

The plan worked perfectly, they were able to slip out of the palace and into the town with ease. They quickly made their way towards the Nile River. Although the trip took an hour on foot it wasn't too bad.
Once they made it to the Nile River Bed, Seth quickly set out to collect water, while Atem went off to find something that reminded him of his other half.

"Find anything that works?" Seth asked walking up behind Atem

"I want it to be perfect.. something as perfect and sweet and beautiful as him.." he sighed softly

"Honestly I just need to find some money, that's what Seto was really into.." he chuckled softly

"But in reality, what are you going to collect for Seto?"

"A Blue Flower, a light blue flower, one of the ones with the blue tipped petals and the white center.." he smiled softly

"You're such a sap, but, it's kind of perfect."

"What are you thinking for Yugi?"

"A desert Rose, one of the purple ones," he smiled at the thought of Yugi

"And I'm the sap?"

"Let's face it, we're both hopeless romantics for our better halves."

After another few hours of searching, they both ended up finding the flowers they wanted before they made their way back to the palace.

They sat, anxiously waiting for night fall so they could try out the spell and finally see their other halves again after two long lonely years without them.


Hii so this is my first Fan Fiction in a longgg time, so here's a few things to note:

I'm going to try my hardest to have updates at least weekly, but be patient I am in high school.

Again I am a high schooler with bad dyslexia so please feel free to correct any spelling or grammar errors!

I'm going to try to have chapters be minimum of 1000 words not counting this bit at the end if I add them!

Thank you so much so reading and I really hope you enjoy!

(Word Count: 1169)

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