Chapter 1

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Authors note; hello!!! first chapter here :3 ocs will be a big part of the story since. moving yul meant that no pre-established characters will be here...i wont make them too complicated because the main focus is yul and reader. so. But i hope you enjoy them anyway!

Also does Yul remind anybody else of Cybelle from carole and tuesday or. is that just me.


The loud blaring of your phone alarm had woken you up from your dreamless slumber, you dragged yourself out of bed just so you wouldn't have to hear it for a second longer.

Work today.

You sighed to yourself, stretching your arms above your head, letting a strange sound that you wouldn't let another human hear due to embarrassment as your limbs readjusted from being unmoving for countless hours.

Peeking through your blinds you saw that it was cloudy... You'd better prepare for the worst, clouds mean worries and uncertainty in your mind, you heavily associated weather with the tone of your mood, and so, today must just be one of them days.

Time to get ready, you don't want to end up being late, you'd worked too hard to even afford this apartment, late mornings were just something you'd need to suck up to, what a stupid world, having to make yourself unhappy just to be allowed to live, it really was pitiful.

You sifted through your closet, you had so many clothes just so you were prepared for any type of situation, it kind of overwhelmed you! You ended up picking a cute blouse and then a cute skirt with some tights, your usual outfit, it's not as if you wanted to wear cuter clothing to appeal to people, you just thought it looked good, and so you wore it! You couldn't care less if people were watching you.

Half an hour later after you'd properly woken up, you grabbed your bag and headed out to your shift at your job, you were a worker at a local bakery – you didn't man the kitchen, that would mean you needed to wake up even earlier! Instead you were the clerk, you sold the baked goods, sorted out displays, took phone calls, and occasionally when the bakers asked you'd help out, it was honestly a pretty fun job, you just felt lucky that you hadn't been forced into an office for the rest of your days, you really couldn't complain about the hand you'd been dealt with.

You were actually friends with the owner, the two of you were close friends during your high school days, and, when they told you they were planning on starting a business, you had nothing but support for them, even when they were struggling you still would come and help, and they in turn, offered you a job working there! It's not everyday your friend randomly gives you a career opportunity, and so you graciously accepted.

Opening the doors, a bell rang, and, a yawn slipped from your lips, the scent of freshly made cakes drifted around you, invigorating you to do your best today! Not that there was an overly heavy workload on your back.

"Ah, Good morning, I hope you slept well. "Eom Shin, the owner peeked his head out from the kitchen, his white hair pinned up as he was dressed up in an apron, another reason you enjoyed your job was having no dress code, if you weren't walking into work naked, you were fine.

You smiled at him, giving the man a wave. "I slept ... good. "You were lying, waking up before noon was a struggle. "It's good to see you're in good spirits!" You'd known Shin for so long you could read the emotions he felt easily, he was dull in tone when he spoke, but his face was simple for you to understand.

"Yes, I came up with a new...." combination" to try, we'll need to experiment but, I think it'll sell fast. "You'd opened your mouth to ask him, but he already figured you out too it seems.

Chae Yul x reader / hand in unloveable hand. Where stories live. Discover now