Chapter 2- New Girl

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I feel my jaw drop as soon as I exit the car, this school is so much bigger than my old one. Maybe this time I will make some real friends.
"The principle will meet you in her office!" I heard my Mum call out as she drove away. No good luck? I thought. As I walk in I notice the hallways are filled with people, my head scrambled with thoughts. "Where is the office" I ask a stranger, and they don't respond. Nervously I keep walking down the halls hoping I will find my way. I kept looking at my feet as I walk through the halls. "Are you lost?" I hear an unfamiliar voice say. I stop walking and look up. A tall muscular boy with cute messy brown hair staring at me. His emerald eyes stunned me "umm, well I'm looking for the office" I say quickly. "Here come with me" he say. He grabs my hand and leads the way. When we make it to the office I start to feel uneasy inside, I wonder what the principle will be like, I wonder if I will make friends, maybe I'll even get a boyfriend. Before I walk in I feel a hand rest on my shoulder "before you go I need to ask what's your name?" "Amber, and yours is?" I ask "Daymian" he responds.
When I walk In to the office and I am welcomed by I short lady with short blonde hair pulled into small pony tail. She jumps out
of her seat "You must be Amber." she says with excitement. "Yep that's me!" I reply. "Hi Amber I'm Mrs Honey I am the principle of Sandy Vill High.Ok so you will be in class 9B9 and your teacher will be Mrs Bandi" She told me. "Follow me and I will take you to your class" she continued. When I walk out the door no one was in the halls anymore, the bell must have gone, although the I didn't hear it.
"Here it is" she said as she opened the door. When I walk in I see all heads turn to me. As I look at all the different faces I notice Daymian and I feel my body calm. "Good morning Year 9s" said Mrs Honey. "Today as some of you may know we have a new student, Amber" she gestured me "and she would love if someone would be willing to help her get around today" Mrs Honey continued. by now people were whispering and no hands were going up until finally Daymian put his hand up "I could show her around" he said "Fantastic" she said. "And Amber this is your new teacher Mrs Bandi."
"H-hi" I whispered nervously. "Hi nice to meat you, would you like to go take a seat in front of Daymian." Mrs Bandi said. "And we will get you a new locker during Recess" she continued.
I nervously walked over to my desk feeling all eyes on me.

So there you have it the second chapter! I know it wasn't Extremely long however the next chapter should be out in a week or so. hope you enjoyed
And sorry if there spelling mistakes I will fix when I get time :)

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