Chapter 1

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The bustling market of Agrabah was alive with the sounds of merchants shouting and the chattering of customers bargaining for better prices. The scent of spices and freshly baked bread filled the air. Sana walked through the sandy orange streets, her steps light and confident as she carried two handwoven baskets filled to the brim with bread and a variety of colorful fruits.

As she made her way through the hustle and bustle, nodding her head in greeting as she passed the various stalls, Sana approached a rundown building with rough walls showing evidence of years of harsh desert winds. She gently pushed open the creaky door and called out softly to announce her arrival.

"Is there anyone who can help me lift these very heavy baskets?" she asked, her voice carrying through the quiet interior.

"I can, I can!" came a young voice from around the corner.

A small head full of wild black curls appeared, belonging to Hamza - the sweet, 7-year-old boy whom Sana had grown fond of during her visits to this part of town. He lived here with his older sister Nabila. The two siblings had recently lost their parents, leaving them with only each other as a family. Though not a tragic event, their absence still lingered over them.

Sana had offered them a place in her own home, but they refused - determined to stay and rebuild their childhood home, holding on to cherished memories. As Hamza eagerly rushed forward to help Sana with her load, she couldn't help but smile as she followed him to the kitchen, chuckling to herself at his enthusiasm as they both worked together to unload the heavy baskets.

Nabila, her arms laden with freshly laundered clothes, entered the room just as Sana and Hamza finished unloading the fruits and bread from the basket. "Oh, thank you, Sana. Today's batch smells lovely," Sana remarked, extending a warm smile to her friend. Nabila returned the smile, her eyes reflecting gratitude for the simplicity of moments like this amidst the challenges they faced daily. As they moved to the neighboring room and settled around a small table, folding the clothes with practiced efficiency, their voices filled the room with warmth and familiarity. Placing the last folded material down, Sana mentioned the upcoming festivities that night.

"Are you both ready for tonight?" she inquired, curiosity and slight excitement lacing her words.

Hamza's eyes lit up at the mention of the event, as he eagerly expressed his readiness by stating that they would be the first ones to arrive. It was rare for them to have something to look forward to in their simple lives, and they were determined to make the most of it.

Nabila chuckled softly, a glint of mischief in her gaze as she glanced at Sana. "And are you ready? I heard there might be some surprises in store," she teased.

Sana's laughter filled the room, a melodious sound that warmed the home as her icy blue eyes sparkled while acknowledging the teasing from Nabila.

"Oh, you know me, always ready for a good surprise," Sana replied with a playful grin. Deep down, though, a flutter of nerves danced in her stomach at the thought of what the night might bring.

The three of them sat comfortably with the occasional laugh echoing around the room as they shared memories, breaking the quiet moments. Before the sun began to start its descent beyond the horizon, soon ready to cast a golden hue over the sandstone buildings of Agrabah, Sana knew it was time to make her way to her next stop before heading back home to prepare for the evening's festivities. As she promised to see them later that night, Sana bid farewell to Nabila and Hamza, their warm wishes following her out into the bustling market once more.

With a skip in her step, Sana made her way through the winding streets of Agrabah, bending each corner with anticipation. She rounded the final corner with a burst of excitement, her feet carrying her swiftly over to two old oil drums. With a practiced leap, she balanced on top and then expertly stepped onto a circular wooden block hanging from a rope. As she shifted her weight, the rope acted as a pulley system lowering her closer to the floor, while causing wooden planks to emerge from the wall like magic, creating a makeshift staircase for her to ascend. She went up with ease, reaching the top of the building which resembled a tower, though it was clearly rundown. The roof was missing, leaving only the open sky above her head, and empty spaces were left where the wooden window shutters used to be.

Sana carefully stepped around the items on the floor and made her way to one of the walls, where she cranked a rusty lever. Slowly but surely, an old red curtain filled with holes began to rise, revealing a hidden room within the tower. Sana approached a wall where she cranked a rusty lever. Slowly, an old tattered red curtain lifted on its ropes, to become the room's makeshift roof. She walked to the other items placed haphazardly on the floor and left a small box on the floor before looking around with a satisfied smile. The room had a hint of charm to it, with empty windows and crumbling walls, but for Sana, it was perfect. She then proceeded to bend down to carefully tuck a letter into the box. Taking one last look around to make sure everything was in its place, she cranked the lever back down and left the tower behind, returning home with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that the letter conveyed the feelings held close in her heart.

But little did anyone expect, after she had departed, that Aladdin would find his way back home with his monkey Abu and a certain princess in tow. As Jasmine gazes around the tower in awe, no one notices the small box accidentally kicked open, nor the letter caught by the wind and carried off into the distance.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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