‧₊˚ ☾ ⋅ FOURTEEN ‧ ☽ ˚₊⋅

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Days turned into weeks as Sukuna continued to stay in Aokigahara. The land and its people grew accustomed to Sukuna and his presence. With his massive size, he helped around the village anywhere he could. His immense power also helped protect the village alongside you and Sei. It seemed that since Sukuna came to Aokigahara, fewer attacks from the cursed spirits occurred. 

Sei explains that because of Sukuna's overwhelming power, curses would sense his cursed aura and wouldn't dare step foot in Aokigahara. She makes you think of Sukuna as a scarecrow amongst a field of crops so that you would understand better.

"Ah, Mortal, I was looking for you," Sukuna says with a sly smile.

It seems that Mortal has become your new name. He rarely calls you by your name unless it's something serious. You didn't mind it and the name has grown on you. You smile and wave back at him after setting down a large crate. The village cook needed your help with moving the massive boxes of fruits and vegetables around his restaurant. And you just so happened to pass by as he was struggling.

Sukuna walks over and stops in front of you with a pair of his arms on his hips, "What are you doing?"

You tiredly sigh after putting down another large crate, "I was helping your favorite cook with moving his ingredients around."

Just as Sukuna is going to respond, the Cook comes out and notices him. He throws his hands in the air with a large smile, "Ah! Sukuna! My friend, I have made a new dish for you to try!"

Sukuna's brows lift in interest, "Don't mind if I do-"

"-Ah, wait, Sukuna," You call out, "I need you to move that large crate of melons. They're the heaviest of them all."

A large, cocky smirk stretches across his face, "Hm? So the Might Warrior admits she is too weak to move a little box of fruit? How cute."

You roll your eyes. There was another nickname that he mocks you with, Mighty Warrior. You did not hate it, but because he would often use it to push your buttons, you didn't exactly like it either.

You sigh in defeat, "Yes, Sukuna. I am too weak."

His smile turns into a frown and he puts his heavy hand on your head, roughly messing your hair up. He bends to your height, which wasn't much shorter than him, and says, "Don't you ever say that again, Mortal. You are not weak."

You groan in annoyance that he messed up your hair, swatting him away and fixing it. He walks away to the largest crate of melons and picks it up with no hint of struggle. Some villagers nearby gasp in surprise, including you and the Cook. Everyone knew Sukuna was immensely strong, but every time he showed his strength it always took you all by surprise.

"Where do you want it," Sukuna asks with disinterest.

"Uh, over there, please," The Cook points inside the restaurant.

Sukuna shifts for a moment to get a better grip on the crate with all four of his arms and promptly stops inside the restaurant. He made it look so easy, but even you could not lift it with your impressive brute strength. Maybe it helped that he had another pair of arms to carry it better.

"Thank you, Sukuna! Now come, I've already prepared the dish I named after you!" You hear the Cook enthusiastically shout.

You smile to yourself and continue moving the crates on your own. It amuses you how much the Cook adores Sukuna, one was because he ate a lot. And two was that Sukuna enjoyed all of his meals. The Cook would have Sukuna help make his dishes, not by cooking them, but by tasting them and giving him feedback.

Moments after the Cook tells Sukuna to enjoy, you hear his loud footsteps approaching you. He bursts out the restaurant door with the bowl of curry in his hand and a spoonful of it in the other. Sukuna's face was impressed and excited with a large grin.

"Mortal! You need to try this," He stomps over to you and shoves the spoon in your face, "It is delicious!"

The smell of chili burns your nose and you turn the other way to cough, "Oh my, Sukuna, that looks spicy."

Sukuna's face turns bored and he quickly uses another hand to grab your cheeks and forcefully makes you eat it. At first, the heat and spice was overwhelmingly strong, but then the taste turned sweet and salty. It was a nice flavor you were not expecting.

You hum in fascination as you chew, Sukuna notices some of the rice around your mouth, and a small smile appears on his face. He uses his thumb to wipe it away and brings it to his mouth to eat it. Because your mouth was full, you made a sound of disgust and glared at him, smacking his arm. Sukuna only laughs and looks over his shoulder to give the Cook a thumbs up.

"She likes it!"

"Oh, perfect! I named it the Ryomen Bowl! The spiciest item on my menu!" The Cook jumps up in victory and runs back inside.

You hum as if to say impressive. Since Ryomen stands for two-faced it would make sense that the food would have two separate flavors: spicy and sweet. It was a good title for being named after Sukuna if you do say so yourself. Spicy and dangerously hurtful on the outside, sweet and kind on the inside.

Sukuna huskily chuckles to himself and scarfs down the bowl as he walks back inside, "I'll have another one."

"Oho, that's why you're my favorite customer, Sukuna!" The Cook laughs, "You eat my cooking so much you can't have enough!"

"Are you calling me fat?"

"AH, NO-"

"-Make me another bowl."

"Y-Yes, of course, sir . . ."

You throw your head back with a laugh after swallowing the food and meet the two inside, "I'll have one too!"

The Cook lets out another squeal of joy, "Of course, my friend! Coming right up!"

"Make hers just as spicy as mine. The way I like it."

"Absolutely not, Sukuna."

"You're no fun . . ."

· · ── ·⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆· ── · ·

After the treacherous meal (for Sukuna it was delicious), you and Sukuna decide to head to the guard towers together. The villagers along the way notice the two of you together and wave as they each pass by. They've all noticed how close you and Sukuna have gotten, and they were hoping the two of you would continue to grow closer. (lmao theyre literally rooting for yall)

The moon shone brightly, a full circle of light that nearly puts the sun to shame. The two of you unknowingly watch it together as you walk. No words needed to be spoken for both of you to agree that the moon is beautiful.

The moon . . . is beautiful. Sukuna thinks to himself, causing him to remember the time when you poetically confessed to him. You did not mean to, but Sukuna secretly liked to think that you did.

Sukuna didn't know what came over him, but he just had to say, "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

I love you.

"Yes, yes it is." You quietly reply, gazing up at the moon.

Sukuna was not shy and did not hesitate, "But its beauty could never compare to you."

You pause in your tracks and stare at Sukuna's back as he continues to walk. What did he just say? Your cheeks grew pink the more you thought of his words. Did he mean to compliment you?

He looks over his shoulder at you with his penetrating blue eyes, "What's the matter, Mortal? Can't take a compliment?"

You break out into a smile, one you could not conceal, "I may be strong, Sukuna. But I'm not that strong."

Sukuna rolls his eyes and continues to walk on as you catch up to him. You could not wipe the smile off of your face no matter how hard you tried. From the corner of his eye, Sukuna noticed and had to resist smiling himself. It was so . . . adorable to him how giddy you became from a mere compliment. He decides that this reaction is better than if he were teasing you. He'll have to compliment you more often.

I can't get enough of that smile. It's so rare . . . I'm going to change that.

And so Sukuna became more flirtatious ever since that night.

[▶] ⋆˖⁺‧☽  𝝖S𝝦𝝞Ɍ𝝞𝝢Ᏽ 𝝡𝝤Ɍ𝝩𝝖Ⳑ ◯ Ryomen Sukuna x Reader  ☾‧⁺˖⋆Where stories live. Discover now