‧₊˚ ☾ ⋅ NINETEEN ‧ ☽ ˚₊⋅

819 47 127

"Oi, Brat," Sukuna calls out within Yuji's spacious mind.

"Ugh, sorry guys, Sukuna's been trying to get my attention for the last fifteen minutes." Yuji gently hits his head with his hand. "What is it now, old man?"

"Did you know I was in love once . . ." Sukuna sighs dreamily, lazily sprawled out on his throne in the back of Yuji's head. He had nothing else to do but gush about you.

Sukuna usually resorts to talking about you whenever he's bored out of his mind watching Yuji live out his life.

"Oh, yuck," Yuji sticks his tongue out, "Like I wanna hear all about it. I got better things to do rather than listen to your boring love stories about-"

"She was-" Yuji cut him off.

"-Yeah, yeah, I already know what she looks like, sounds like, smells like," Yuji rolls his eyes, checking off everything, "You won't stop pulling up those memories of her you've got, not to mention she's all you ever asked or thought about since I ate your finger."

"Cut me off one more time and-"

"-'She was my aspiring mortal~'" Yuji mockingly teases him.

"I'll kill you."

· · ── ·⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆· ── · ·

Sukuna sighs against your lips, "I don't think I ever want to let go."

You chuckle, pecking him on the lips, "Me neither."

"Goodness, you're irresistible," His voice was raspy as he pulled you in for yet another kiss.

You gently push him away, grinning ear to ear, "Sukuna, as much as I'd love to kiss you all night, we should really get back."

"Besides," You shiver, "It's getting cold. Not to mention we're so high up."

Sukuna peeks over the edge with a bored expression until a thought appears in his head, causing him to turn to you mischievously, "Well, then . . . We shall continue this in your chambers."

You feel every fiber of your being flare up in a mixture of embarrassment and shock, "Absolutely not!"

Sukuna shrugs, tossing you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing, "Didn't ask."

Without a moment wasted, Sukuna promptly jumps down from the branch. You shriek in surprise with no chance to prepare for the drop. Your stomach curled and you felt it about to jump out of your throat.

Sukuna landed with a grunt, and you go limp in his arms. He repositions you so that he's carrying you bridal style, casually running at lightning speed to be undetected by the guards. You were so dizzy from the fall that you didn't even know what was going on. It took him mere seconds for him to arrive at your room.

He gently lies you down on your bed, walking elsewhere to do something. The moment you come to realize he has already taken you to your room, you shoot up with your face extremely red.

"SUKUNA I SAID NO-" Your eyes lock with a Sukuna casually undressing from the extravagant set of clothes he was previously in. 

"Relax, Mortal. We're not going to do anything. I can see you're tired."

You sigh in relief and collapse onto the futon. 

He playfully rolls his eyes, "Lame."

The room is quiet until you hear Sukuna shift beneath the covers next to you. You forget how large he was, so he took up most of the blanket, and only half of your body was now covered. Before you could say anything, Sukuna already noticed and gave the entire blanket to you.

[▶] 𝝖S𝝦𝝞Ɍ𝝞𝝢Ᏽ 𝝡𝝤Ɍ𝝩𝝖Ⳑ & ƔƖƝƊƖƇƬƖƔЄ ƖMMƠƦƬƛԼ | R. Sukuna | 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸Where stories live. Discover now