Part 3

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WARNING: physical and verbal abuse

Your POV:

*a month later*

Ive now known Robbie for a moth. Hes my best friend because now I know I can trust him. I think hes the only one that can make me happy anymore especially now that Caleb wont leave me alone.

My T.V played the paper towns trailer. I loved the book. Now I must force my best friend to go with me.


Text from Robbie: If its anything like The Fault In Our Stars you better not cry.

Text to Robbie: Oh hush at least I'll have a shoulder to cry on, But honestly I'm more worried about you Roberto! XD

I laughed at our conversations they were always really funny.

My doorbell rang.

"Ugh Robbie you know you dont have to ring the doorbell," I sigh and open the door to see Caleb with nothing but a smirk on his face. "I told you to leave me alo-" i say as his hand covers my mouth making it hard to breathe.

"I saw you with that freak, why do you hang out with him huh? Did you hop over to him when you left me? You little whore." he whispers angrily then punches me in the eye. I yelp at the pain.

He continues to beat on me continuously. Kicking, punching, throwing me constantly. Pain shoots through my entire body and whimpers kept escaping my mouth. He was just so strong and it hurt so bad.

I was tempted to call for my best friend but he always texts before coming over and I knew he wasn't tonight and that would only make Caleb more mad.

"please..." I whimper quietly.

"You might as well go kill yourself Y/N, nobody wants you, not even your mommy or daddy is here to save you," he says even more anger in his voice throwing me on the floor again.

He walks out of my house and I start to cry loudly. Who knew anyone could hurt this much. I try my best to stand up. Bruises were already forming all over my body cuts and scrapes scattered everywhere.

I walk to the couch and lay down hopefully soon falling alseep


"Y/N come on Y/N!!" I hear Robbie call as he keeps shaking me.

I wake up and rub my eyes and then cringe in pain.

"Wow I guess that pill did work.." I say quietly.

"Thank god you're okay" Robbie chuckles.

I take the blanket off of my body and sit up then realize my body is covered in bruises and scrapes and then look over at Robbie with a saddened shocked look on his face that killed me inside.

"What happened?"


"Y/N TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU! WHO DID THAT?" Robbie screamed angrily and stood up.

"Caleb, when we were dating it was pretty often but this is the worst it's ever been," I say starting to tear up.

"That asshole is going to get it, how dare him do that especially to you," he says pacing around thinking but still very angry.

Tears start falling from my eyes as he walks over and sits down next to me and holds me in his arms which made me feel a bit better.

"Hey let's go get coffee okay?" Robbie asks as I nod and go change my clothes really quick then leave the house with him.

Robbie ordered me my favorite coffee and then sat down across from me as I took a sip of coffee. I look up at the table behind Robbie and see Caleb sitting there drinking water. He was covered in a jacket and was wearing sunglasses but I would know him anywhere. He pulled his sunglasses down and scoffed at me.

"Y/N are you okay?" Robbie asks snapping me out of my fear instantly.

I nod and wrap my arms around myself still worried. My phone dings and I look down at it in fear.

Text from Caleb: Tell him I'm here and you're dead.

I have to admit, I'm scared. What if Caleb comes back? What if Caleb hurts Robbie? I mean come on my mom believes Caleb is the sweetest guy to ever exist so she won't believe me. Plus she's always gone on trips and stuff.

"No you're not what's wrong?" Robbie asks. He worries about me especially with the possibility that I'll turn out like him. But I don't see why that ones so bad.

"I just want to go home,"

"Okay let's go," he gets up then walks out of the coffee shop with me.

When we got to my house I told him about caleb.

"What the hell, I swear I'll kill him!" Robbie shouts.

"Robbie, please, let's just watch a movie to get our minds off things," I say picking up the fault in our stars and popping it into the dvd player.

He comes and sits by me in my bed and watches my movie with me. Robbie is my great escape. He always finds a way to make me feel better.

A/N hey I'm so sorry for not posting for so long! But it's finally here!

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