‧₊˚ ☾ ⋅ TWENTY ‧ ☽ ˚₊⋅

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· · ── ·⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆· ── · ·

"The infamous curse user, Kenjaku, is it?" A man standing with a group of sorcerers holds up a hand to Kenjaku.

"What's it to you?" It eyes the group of men cautiously.

"You're the one that successfully infiltrated Aokigahara a few months back, correct?"

Kenjaku hesitates, its tone laced with suspicion, "And? What do you want."

The man simply tosses a bag of gold which Kenjaku swiftly catches. It inspects the hefty amount curiously, "You're giving me a job, eh?"

"Precisely. We have a task for you. If you can get us inside, we'll pay you even more than that."

Kenjaku scoffs, tossing the pouch aside, "You see, I could be the poorest man in the Heian Era yet no amount of gold can twist my arm to do your bidding. I find knowledge and power far greater in value."

"So we've heard . . . Let me fill you in on something. We've been tracking Ryomen Sukuna for a while now and our intel says that he somehow made it inside Aokigahara by chasing the bounties. They were also there when you came back out."

Kenjaku freezes, glowering at the man, ". . . What did they tell you."

"Hmm . . . Does the phrase, 'if you value your life, you'll stay out of here until I say to' ring any bells?"

Kenjaku grits its teeth in simmering anger, what a fatal blow to its ego that someone witnessed an embarrassing failure such as that. And now it's being used as blackmail. 'Now they must think I'm weak, weaker than Sukuna . . .' Kenjaku thinks to itself, disdainfully.

"I take it by your expression that you do recall! You poor thing, how pathetic do you feel knowing that an old friend of yours nearly killed you with his bare hands just for trying to save him? Ah, but then again, you weren't doing it to help your friend, you were doing it after being bribed by . . . what's the name? Uraume?"

The man's taunting tone and smiling expression did not help Kenjaku control its fury. Thinking back, everything would have turned out just fine if it wasn't for that girl he was protecting. Kenjaku grinds its teeth at the memory of Sukuna looking down on it in pity, all for a girl he hardly knows.

"Haha, yes. You were quite the sight, limping and holding your bruised neck. Sukuna surely put you in your place, didn't he? And you didn't even get anything out of it, did you? Since you failed to bring Sukuna back out as you were supposed to, what a shame . . ."

Kenjaku's jaw was tight as it said through its teeth, "Shut your mouth and get to the point. If I do help you get into Aokigahara, what do I get out of it? If money's all you have to offer then you can forget it."

Even with the host Kenjaku currently controlling, it still wouldn't win against this group of jujutsu sorcerers. They seem to be extremely familiar with Sukuna, and Sukuna only hangs around the best. Kenjaku knew it wouldn't stand a chance against these guys.

"Alright . . . We aim to kill Sukuna using a shikigami from the Ten Shadows Technique: Mahoraga. We'll give you the Zenin host to keep but you'll first have to summon Mahoraga to kill Sukuna. Is that better than a sack of gold? All you have to do is give us an opening inside Aokigahara, take over the Zenin host, summon the Mahoraga, and we'll handle the rest." The man smiles sinisterly, crossing his arms as though he knew Kenjaku would take the offer.

[▶] 𝝖S𝝦𝝞Ɍ𝝞𝝢Ᏽ 𝝡𝝤Ɍ𝝩𝝖Ⳑ & ƔƖƝƊƖƇƬƖƔЄ ƖMMƠƦƬƛԼ | R. Sukuna | 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸Where stories live. Discover now