7 | It's Not Rocket Science

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The only problem, in my head, with getting a new car was convincing my father it was as brilliant an idea as I thought. My dad wasn't usually the laid back, carefree type. I had a strict set of rules to follow while I lived under their roof until I graduated from college, or moved out. Whichever came first.

I had my own savings which he watched over and helped me build upon. We discussed a long time ago, when I moved on to high school, how if I wanted to choose my own car I had to save for it. It sounded easy. Halfway through my first year I realized that making money was hard when you weren't even allowed to have a real job. I barely had time for chore work with the extracurriculars my parents insisted I do along with making sure my grades stayed up. I made a meager living by trimming gardens and cleaning pools around the neighborhood.

It was only this year that they gave me more freedom. I stopped most of the after school stuff but the school work only doubled. I still managed to find plenty of side jobs mowing lawns and cleaning gutters. It was only recently that I acquired the funds to confidently make a decision. That didn't mean it was rational. Certainly not in my father's eyes.

"You are not getting a new car," he told me flat out the second I stepped into his office that night.

He was always good at reading my features. Lying was not a specialty of mine. I knew it'd be difficult to hide the desperation on my face but nothing got past him. Still I tried to reason with him. I held my hands out ready to plead.

"Have you seen the state that thing is in?"

He didn't look up from the paperwork he had laid out on his desk as he replied, "I certainly have but it runs perfectly fine. It's basically brand new. I can't let you get a new car every time you have some girl troubles."

My face went bright red as he made it like Nona was some girl I'd just cheated on. "That's not- It's not like that at all. That has literally never happened before. I'm not... I don't... Nona was-"

"What was she doing, son?" He finally looked up at me taking his glasses off to rub the heel of his hand in his eyes. "Because this certainly feels like a recurring event with you two. Only the older she gets, the more creative she is."

I stopped and dropped my gaze to the floor to avoid his. He was more than five feet away but his stare burned me like he was within reach. "I didn't mean to. It's not like I put the bottles in her hands. It's not fair."

He sighed and I looked back to find his gaze drifting over his desk listless. "Maybe not, mijo, but it's not to her either. You need to be responsible for your actions. I will not reward you."

"But it's my money." I knew at this point I had to reason with him. Sometimes my relationship with my dad was more of a business transaction. This would have to be one of those times because I was determined. "You promised I could buy any car I wanted if I saved. I have the money."

He paused, staring at me in a moment of awe. He nodded approvingly as if he'd done something right. "That's true. I did say that and I'm a man of my word but that's a lot of money."

He rubbed the stubble on his and pursed his lips. I knew he was trying to figure out how to work around our deal with breaking his word. I stepped closer ready to bargain. "It won't be that much. I can trade in mine for an older one."

He narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "That sounds like a foolish decision. An old car would be a money sink. There is nothing wrong with your car."

I rushed forward determined to defend my decision. "It's an investment. A classic sports car."

He scowled now as I approached his desk. "I thought I raised you better than that. Sports cars are death traps."

I placed my hands on the mahogany surface between us. His eyes narrowed as he sat up with his arms crossed. I was not backing down when I'd come so close.

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