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"Hey. Hey, wake up," Master Sol attempts to wake a young woman, her body rocking back and forth with every soft nudge he gave on her shoulder. Sol has been at it for minutes now, his gentle nudges getting more urgent in worry.

Everyone on his team, Jecki, Yord, Osha and even Mae, sat around the bench in which the mystery girl laid upon. They found the girl on the unknown planet after being tipped off about an unidentified person targeting the four jedi, where she laid in the middle of the forest. Knocked out, but with no visible injuries.

The young lady sported an oversized cream colored wrap top, that contrasted her mocha brown skin. Her hair was slicked back in a neat curly puff, accentuating the beautiful features that adorned her.

She looks rather clean for someone passed out in the forest, Sol thought

Suddenly, as if on cue, the girl's eyes shoot open, followed by a sharp gasp that makes everyone surrounding the bench flinch back cautiously. Mystery lady pants in an inhuman way, her chest heaving as if she has ran a marathon. her eyes scanning the foreign area.

However, sol being masterful, rushes to comfort and question her.

"You're okay," Sol soothes,"You're okay. What is your name young one?"

Her breathing begins to settle into an appropriate rhythm to sustain consciousness. Now she is able to take in all the new faces that surrounded her.
She was face to face with a Jedi.

"I—Luna. My name is Luna," The girl, whose name now revealed to be Luna, exhales out, feeling a sense of calmness that's was still riddled with confusion.

"Luna. How are you feeling?" Sol inquires gently, bringing his soft hand to her forehead, knuckles first.

"Sol, we do not have time for this. We must find the sith," Yord interjects with a firm hand on the jedi's shoulder and a stern expression on his face. Anyone on the outside would believe that Yord is Sol's master and not the other way around.

"Yord please. If anything, she would know where to find him" Jecki now interjects the interjector, gesturing their hand to the quiet girl that sat still on the bench," Do you live here?"

Luna's eyes land on Jecki, whose eyes hold a pleading look. Luna figures whatever mission this group is on right now. It is serious.

"No. I-I don't. I just came here to get something for my mother,"

"Do you recall why you were knocked out in the middle of knowhere?," Mae suddenly speaks up. Her voice dry and cold.

Luna sits quietly. Trying to actively remember what led her to that moment. Rather who did that to her. Then it dawned on her.

"I just remember meeting a man. The only person i've ever met here,"

The team all shared knowing gazes with each other. That Luna couldn't help but feel left out of.

"Tell us more about this man" Sol focuses Luna's gaze back on him with a gentle touch on her knee. An urgent but concerned look glazing his soft eyes.

Luna nods, recalling everything she remembers. Starting from the very moment she had bumped into him on this lonely planet. Everything.

three days earlier

Luna landed on planet mystery, which is the name Luna and her mother had given this uninhibited place after visiting accidentally long ago. Though many would find that trait to be jarring, the two actually found it charming. The quiet sound of the forest, mixed with the crashing of the shore was a peaceful contrast to the bussing city-life of their home planet. They instantly fell in love with this place.

Way before they were introduced to the fruit.

Luna and her mother ran into this special fruit in a desperate endeavor. A rule in traveling that her mother always shared was,"Never eat their food"
But that day was an exception due to the lack of food on their rinky dink ship. Which is what led to the introduction to...THE FRUIT.

The fruit was a bulbous, pinkish white berry that hung from the large vined trees. It's was a pretty
treacherous task to retrieve it, but my god was it worth it.

The fruit was the sweetest and juiciest fruit of them all. Almost tasting like the most sugary candy of all. Ever since then, this fruit has been a treasure for Luna and her family.

Today, Luna was here alone to retrieve the fruit. She planned to bring it back home to her mother who laid in bed. Sick. Her mother was diagnosed with cancer just three months ago, progressing nothing but swift. Luna wasn't sure how long she had left with her mom, but she knew it wasn't long. A part of her felt fear for leaving home to do this trip, but the other side wanted them to experience the fruits of life together one last time before she's gone. Before luna is all alone.

Luna wipes a tear that stains her face and carries on the path to the fruit tree. Her big combat boots stomp on the dirt path ahead, occasionally hearing the crunch of leaves and sticks. It was strange being here alone, but she wasn't afraid. She's never afraid. The word fear barely existed to her. Unless it involved her mom's condition.

After two hours of trekking, Luna finally is met with the special tree. Throwing her backpack down, Luna starts her climb with no hesitation. It felt like a piece of cake after doing it over a dozen times. Her gloved hands grab the nearest branch, using her pure strength to pull herself up successfully. Luna now sat on the branch and used her arms to hug the stump for balance to slowly stand up to continue climbing. As luna starts to stand, her foot slips just slightly. but a slight slip send the girl falling from her position, right back onto the ground, landing awkwardly on her left ankle.

A stinging burning sensation starts at her foot, slowly making its way up to her chest, escaping its way out of her mouth is a deep cry. Luna wailed, reaching for her tender ankle, as if anyone is here. She is alone. on an uninhabited planet.

why. why me. i'm gonna die here

Tears streamed down her beautiful face, tasting the bitter salt. After what feels like hours of crying, that was probably only just a couple minutes, Luna passes out in this forest. injured and alone.


A man emerges from the forest. Pushing elephant plants out of his way. The man wore a golden-brown helmet with an eerie smile plastered on the face.

The man immediately noticed Luna. Her petite figure laying flat on the dirt. He presumes that she either dead or almost dead as he bends down slowly, hands near his lightsaber just in case this is a trap from the jedi. As of now, no one knew of him, but you could never be too cautious.

As he gets closer, The man notices the short and soft rise of her round chest.

She's alive.

Hesitantly, he picks Luna up bridal style with so much ease, searching for any hint of betrayal. He senses nothing and makes his way back to wherever he came from.

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