six. "ALONE"

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Rin sat in the library, a book in one hand and his chopsticks in another. He was catching up on his literature classwork during lunch period so he wouldn't have to study when the prefectural tournament for football came around. He often did this when work began piling up.

Romeo and Juliet. A cult classic, something that even Rin has read in his free time. Yet, here he was, reading it again for his class. He had to find a few quotes that "encapsulated love". He thought he'd instead find the top cheesiest lines and write them down.

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss."

'Cheesy.' Rin thought to himself. He'd definitely note this one down.

"If love be rough with you, be rough with love; Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down." He heard a voice recite.


You sat at his table with your cheek in your palm, staring at him with a satisfied look on your face, as if you had just made a show of defeating a formidable foe. "Ahh, Shakespeare. It's like he wrote that whole play with us in mind. Isn't he thoughtful?"

"He most definitely did not."

"In my heart he did, Rin."

"You're delusional."

"And you're in denial!"

It had been three days since you ran into Rin at the grocery store. Two of those days were the weekend, in which you spent most of your time practicing and studying. The last day was Monday, when you were so swamped with a lab report that you were basically running to and from all your classes to make up time.

Your current standings with Rin was somewhat of a limbo... you had no idea what to call it. But, it was clear he tolerated you now. So, you wouldn't go about wasting such an opportunity.

"You know, I didn't peg you for a Shakespeare guy." You sighed, squinting your eyes as if to analyze Rin beneath the surface.

"I didn't peg you for a nerd." Rin replied, closing his book. "A persistent one, at that. Do you need something? Or do you just hate seeing me at peace."

"Nope, I just saw you sitting here... alone." You spoke. "During lunchtime, too. I didn't even know they let people eat in the library; the old women must pity you. You really hate talking to people, don't you, Rin?"

"You get so damn annoying, did you know that? I like you better when you're quoting Shakespeare. Go away." He scoffed.

"I can quote more. Here's one: Parting is such sweet sorrow—"

"Never mind, I take it back."

"Now, why are you so alone?" You ask, leaning more into the table. "Trauma?"

Rin couldn't believe you were asking such straightforward, blunt questions. He barely knew you to begin with, yet you were digging into one of the biggest topics he's been dealing with his entire life. He rolled his eyes.

"Why are you so loud?" He retorted.

"Because I like hearing myself talk." You confidently answered. "Your turn. Answer my question."

"Because I don't like speaking with annoying girls who are in love with me." Rin glared. "I prefer solitude over that any day."

"Woah, don't hate until you've tried all this." You gesture to yourself. "Whatever, I won't pry. But you can't blame me for being curious, you know."

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