20 Facts About Me

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1. I'm a proud Muslim and very grateful for my religion. I HEART ALLAH & NABI MUHAMMAD SAW

2. My favourite quote is ...

"It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives."

... You will find this quote in many books, especially about Romance. I don't think it's cheesy.. but we should love our family and closed ones because we don't know what will happen in the future and I don't want to regret it.

3. My favourite food is Lemper (Indonesian food) and anything about Asam Manis. I can eat Lemper more than three.. (shh... you know what? I can't be fat.. you will know that I eats a lot by looking at my chubby cheeks ;) )

4. I love nature.. and I really want to hiking/climbing in the mountain but sadly my body can't handle the cold. I can get flu easily. Just left me 30 minutes in the cold temperature and I will start sneezing.

5. I have no idea what I want to study.. My father wants me to be a police woman but physic is not good enough for that.

6. I have one brother and two sisters. Sometimes they're annoys me so much but I'm grateful to have them.. My friend want to have a sister so bad but her mother doesn't want to.. Her mom thought that having one child is stressful enough.

7. I really want to have a good camera, because I love to take photos.. Especially about nature or the place I've visited.

8. I really loves to read so much.. I want to buy many books but I don't have enough money :( that's why I ended up here at Wattpad :)

9. I often go to the library in my school.. My friends knew about that and will ask me anything about reading.

10. I'm a melankolist and will cry when I'm reading books or daydreaming *shameless*

11. I really to read Khaled Hosseini's books.. especially A Thousand Splendid Suns. I often read good reviews about his books and it sounds amazing!

12. I want to learn other language... I have learnt Mandarin for a short time in my Junior High School. I'm not fluent in Mandarin and my voice proved that.

13. I don't want to admit that I'm ACROPHOBIA !! I'm afraid of heights.. I'm told that I'm crying when I will cross over the flying bridge. When I'm looking down.. My heart beat fast, my foots felt like jelly, and my head dizzy.

14. I really hate the people who betrayed me.. I can forgive them, but I can't forget what they have done to me.

15. I want to be a writer someday.. One book in a lifetime is a must.

16. Feels bad with the children in this modern day.. They are always playing video game or social media in their gadget. They don't socialize and playing games with their friends, such as hide and seek and more.. I'm grateful that I have playing traditional games with my friends where gadget and whatsoever doesn't booming like now.

17. I want to be back in my childhood where my parents always pay attention to me and I can life in my wild imagination about something and something :)

18. I can't find true bestfriend in this modern day :( Friends I have now is just a friend who always come up to me when they need sommething :(

19. I'm grateful to have a cousin who always loving me with so much affection and she doesn't want something from me.. I really want to have a bestfriend like her :)

20. No one in this world can replace my biological mother who passed away when she gave birth to me.. even it's my father. Because the love a mother have for her child is amazing!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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