✰ 5. Safe

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Skyla's P.O.V

I can't believe I'm pregnant.
Me and Tazer only slept together once, how can this be? I'm sure we were more than careful but again Tazer is full of surprises. Slowly rubbing my hand over my stomach, the butterflies hit me like a gust of wind, the thought of Tazer being dad made me grin from ear to ear.

"Skyla" nurse Sabrina called out for me, I must've been in deep in my own thoughts because I forgot she was even there. I look up at her, "Sorry, I just can't believe it" I held my face in shock.
"That's okay darling, I just really need to speak with you" she sits on the edge of the bed, she grabs my hand and looks into my eyes.

Her eyes began to glow,
Like mine.
Like Tazer's.
Like Michael's.

We continue to stare at each other trying to figure out what's going on, "You got powers" I whisper not breaking eye contact. "Yes, I do but I need to tell you something! It's important" she expressed all flustered.

"People are looking for you and if they find out about this pregnancy you're gonna be an even bigger target" my head began spin, all I could think is 'they found me' The worry slowly crawling all over my skin.

The thought of them using me for my powers for their own greed made me sick to my stomach. The feeling of being used.

They will hurt my baby.

Tears began to pour down my face, as Sabrina comforts me "We need to leave, like right now. They have their eyes everywhere" she tells me as she looks around the room before starting to pack all my belongings in a hurry. She's scattering through the room making sure she got everything. Not leaving a trace behind.

"What about Tazer? Where is he?" I sit on the edge of the bed, "He needs to stay here, he needs to watch out for Skreamer. Just incase. I need you to believe me when I tell you that he will be fine, you will soon see him I promise" Sabrina helps me to stand.

A bolt shoots through the room, Michael teleports "You ready?" He asks, the three of us teleport to this big ol' house in the middle of nowhere. What I could only describe as an old farm house? I'm confused.

"Where are we?" I ask Michael, walking around this old abandoned house which looked like no one's lived in for centuries. There thick layers of dust everywhere, ew.

"We have gone back Skyla" Michael replies not even looking at me whilst closing all the windows and doors, locking them. "Why are we here? Can you explain to me wtf is going on Michael?"
"We are here to save Tazer and Rodney" Sabrina breaks her silence, as Michael looks are her shaking his head. He didn't want to tell me.

"What happens to Tazer ??? And who the fuck is Rodney?" I follow behind Michael following his every move, as I become frantic. Sighing whilst rubbing his hands over his face,"Tazer gets killed and Rodney tries to kill himself, we need you to save them in order to keep the butterfly effect intact" he tells me whilst sitting down on the dusty couch covered in plastic.

"So you've bought me here to save Tazer and Rodney? To use my powers to bring them back?" I ask as tears slip down my face. "I'm sorry Skyla. We need them both to be alive, in order to defeat the guys in the hood we need to" Sabrina pleads coming towards me.

I take a step back, "NO, YOU WANT TO USE ME FOR MY POWERS AND YOU AREN'T TELLING ME THE REAL REASON DON'T LIE TO ME" I shout as my eye begin to tingled, my temper rises with each breath I take.

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